Do you know this song was drifting slowly out
to sea, off into the horizon of board two and
then suddenly, "ba boom" someone started to
feel a little frisky and launched into an
unwarranted written assualt full of distain
and obscenities,questioning the manhood of
a imaginary guy falling in love with a imaginary neighbor who practiced ballet on a , well, you guessed it "imaginary balcony".
And to top it off, he's accused of being a
cheapskate for not taking her out to dinner!
Whoever said songwriting is a dull thankless
boring lonely way of exercising the brain, obviously hasn't taken a bus ride through
this quaint little villlage.Thanks for your
comments,oh, Annie I like what you posted,
and I'm taking notes,and Liana's laughing,
which is good, because if you can't laugh at
this stuff, I mean it just don't get any better.


[quote]Seeya Around The Campus![/quote]