Breathing that much life into this might
encourage others to start writing spinoffs
and before we new it the entire board would
be full of posts of "Shadow Dancers"running
amok.Tempting as it sounds, it might dimimish
the efforts of improving the mental well
being of a certain someone at the asylum and
extinguish any hope at recovery to a normal
way of thinking.Lets say I stopped by the
"Home For Aging Actors" to inquire about
Lilys mother, and unfortunately she is to
frail to pick up a glass of water never mind
a bucket.And because of the agressive behavior she displays toward the staff, she
stays heavily sedated, spending much of her
time in the buff, out on the balcony, dancing
with shadows.But the idea is definately a way
of breathing life into a cowardly shy lame
wimpy head bowing shadow dancing kinda guy.
Keep the ideas coming,it seems to keep the
natives from getting restless.


[quote]Seeya Around The Campus![/quote]