Originally Posted by Mark Kaufman
We are a deeply flawed species, we human beings. We depend a lot on hope and luck...but it is our own selves who cause all the trouble being discussed here. Every bad person out there causing our misery is really just acting on the same impulses we all have.

There's only so much you can change about other people. If you want to change the world, you have to change yourself.

This is interesting for a reason I have been reading about.

Scientists believe that human beings dont actually have free will. You could say "well, it was his choice to kill somebody or destroy something" it seems that way because most of us wouldnt do that.

But, scientists believe that our actions are simply the result of our biology, our circuitry, etc. Something in somebodys brain makes them do something, doing it is simply the result.

If that is true. Then nobody is truly guilty of anything, nobody is good or bad, they are just the result of thousands of computations in the brain, and in the body.

It throws a wrench in many of our belief systems, but some of it just appears to be true.

How come some kids, no matter how much love and support they get at home, go on to be violent criminals. Or regardless of how good of people their parents are, their kids just dont turn out right.

it's the way they are wired. Maybe there is no such thing as "good" kids, they are just born that way.