Our song "Alien Concubine" is reviewed in the "Readers' Tapes" column of the January, 2004 issue of Recording magazine. Some of their comments are: "Close your eyes and imagine a marriage between the B-52s and Devo. Kinda scary, huh? Well, the folks in Stone Marmot have a cool, catchy tune here ..." and "... the lead and backing vocals are very well recorded and perfect in the mix, capturing the Fred Schneider style in all its glory ..." and "A talented bunch are the Stone Marmots ..."

Check out this song and others on our CD at the Soundclick site below.

Stone Marmot
Stone Marmot on Soundclick
Alternative pop-rock music:
Definitely rock, somewhat pop, but a bit more experimental.

Stone Marmot
Alternative pop-rock music:
Definitely rock, somewhat pop, but a bit more experimental.