Good one Mike. Doak's party is this weekend. Hope to see you there.

For anyone else around this weekend and want to learn about the "networking" approach to Nashville, Doak Turner, networker extrodinaire, has a "Third Sunday at Three party. It is a songwriter's picnic, guitar pull, where around 150 writers will show up, play in five rooms and the yard and driveway of his house.

Everyone brings food, there are some other foods there, bring what you want to drink and your instrument. Sometimes bringing a chair is not a bad idea. There are several songwriter "circles" and everyone can wait their turn, watch everybody else, or dive in and start playing.

Ralph here has asked the question, "How do you network in this town?" My question would be "How do you NOT network in this town?

We put it all on for you. It is there. You just have to show up.
We can lead you to water, but we can't make you drink.