Hi Marc,

I just wanted to thank you again for taking time to review my(our) song. i am totally impressed by the quality of people on this website--even more so that there are people like yourself, who take time to do things for others that you really don't have to do. The chance of someone like myself actually getting a hit song are staggering and at times extremely depressing--but ti's people like yourself and the others on this board that remind me--this is a fun thing, a journey worth taking--even if nothing comes of it but making new friends. Thanks again,
P.S> I'm not sure if I will ever listen to songs like I used to--now I try and analyze everything--what grabs my attention, what about the lyrics that makes it so good, what was the gotcha that keeps one coming back--that unique storyline or chord progression. I've got it bad. LOL.

Roger Sosnowski
The happiest people in life are those involved in music