Mike as far as being a downer yeah you are probably correct. When I think it is crap I say so. I speak my mind. Why do I say so many things are crap?...probably because there is SO much of it around and I speak my mind. It is IMO better to be HONEST than a kidder....like someone who kids themselves that it is not crap when it clearly is or for whatever reason lies by saying it is good when they know it is crap. That IMO is not being positive that is living a lie. If something is good I will say so...give me a break. There is tons of great music out there and tons of great performers...it is just a pity not much of it comes to the attention of the public.
Whilst we all should be positive there is a difference between reality and dreams. Statisticslly there is less chance of making it into the big time as winning the lottery but we should still buy tickets.
It has to be said that there is a BIG difference here in the UK than the biz in the USA. Here most writers are performers they are more interested in selling themselves than selling songs.
Whereas across the pond people are more into writing songs for others to perform. A lot do not even perform. It took me ages to get my head round that one. How can you write songs but not want to perform them?
Most live music performed here is covers....Few can get away with playing originals. Even most of the Brit popstars or poprats as I like to call them have hits with cover versions of old standards. They are manufactured clone after clone and have their one or two hits. The Simon Cowell monopoly operation controls the charts. Apart from the odd folk or jazz club there is little demand for acoustic music. Country is not very popular. So to follow the business saying "supply on demand" there is little demand for original songs and acoustic type country songs are virtually non starters.
We should all do our best and make the best music we can...but to copy crap and try to get into the business that way IMO is wrong and perpetuates mediocrity.
I will encourage anyone and everyone as most here will confirm. I will offer help and advice any way I can. I am positive but have no illusions about the business. With age and experience comes being cynical and skeptical. That is healthy and goes with the territory.