Originally Posted by Mark Kaufman
Originally Posted by Michael Zaneski

I think one problem here is that in this day and age, there are few impulse purchases, based on a title someone likes.

Actually, it can make or break whether or not I'll click on a song that's available for a download purchase...

Yeah but Mark,

I am betting the choice was between two songs by the same artist?

...as in...you heard "the Divine Comedy" was good, and so you clicked on the "Casanova" album, and went for "Becoming More Like Alfie" because it referenced a song you already liked, and "Something For the Weekend" because it piqued your curiosity ...and perhaps passed on "Songs of Love" because it sounded pretty generic...

It turns "Songs of Love" is the big seller here, and their most requested song, and covered by Ben Folds Five, out here in the states...so one can never tell.

Just...honestly, you buy songs, regularly, by artists you have never heard, based on liking a title?


Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 10/13/09 11:47 PM.

Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice
Fortune depends on the tone of your voice

-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon)
from the song "Songs of Love"
from the album "Casanova" (1996)