Think I'd rather bitch than work's see...ahhh:

This Digitalization of America's TV Industry...couldn't come at a Worse Time for the Country's Consumers. Shed your Analogue TV..OR gotta subscribe to Cable/Dish IF ya wanna SEE anything much. (I know because I'm TOO Cheap/Poor to go BUY a Nice Big Flatscreen & prefer my Ol' Big-Tube Analogue. But NOW...hadda order two Gov't Discount Cards for the Converter Boxes...which STILL set us back $20-apiece. Hooked up to our Set-Top Rabbit Ears, now augmented with Aluminum-Foil "Boosters" (To get the FULL Trailer-Park Effect) we get perfectly LOUSY Pictures on this set that USED to deliver 12-15 Decent Channels in days gone bye-bye. NOW it's just ABC & FOX...& a few Wimpier Stations I just view The Simpsons & South Park on. The rest: Crappola. And..of course..ALL Gone by June Somethingth.

I don't WANNA spend another thin DIME on TV "Progress". The NEW Sets are Energy-Hogs/Cost a Bundle/my eyes don't CARE about HDTV..they're old..& I keep losing glasses as soon as I get a fresh pair. I'll probably blow the $9.95 a Month for Brighthouse's "Basic Channel" package rather than get disappointed by investing in a New Antenna..but $120 a YEAR (Plus City & Federal TAXES, too, I'll bet) for something I used to enjoy FREE! Talk about Progress!

Waal..Off to watch TV while I can still somewhat enjoy it.

Big Hugs,