I've had tons of them, since being very little. Chronic allergies and reaching into my ear, Scratching the skin even just a little), is what mostly leads to them. When I was 8 through 15, I was given 6 shots every two weeks during the fall, for a few years, three in each arm). But now, being 55, and doing some things I'll mention soon, I don't get ear infections anymore.

I have lots of scar tissue in both ears though. You want to hear the funny part in this? I took up piano tuning, by ear! In 1976. I still tune, (even though I also played in loud bands from age 14 to 25). So, damned be the infections and loud music! I still hear flies fart! (One of the perks in still having good hearing).

So don't fret over one infection. I've had at least 100 of them.

Bacteria only needs a very tiny scratch in the ear to take hold and grow, so first, never put your fingers in them! Fingers!!! You know where they've been?!. I also found that cutting out COWS milk REALLY helped even more! (The very next week of not drinking any milk). I went to "Silk", soy milk. It's not milk, of course, for soy don't have breast! But it's been really good tasting for me, especially after the first day getting used to the change. I use it in pancakes and anything milk was used in before. I still use coffee creamer though, and found if having more than two cups a day, I get hyper! Ha! And, a little more contested, I mean congested. Ah,,,both I guess.

Do things to always lower congestion, and keep fingers out of your ears! Use Q tips with just a hint of Neosporin, after cleaning the inside of the ear (gently), with Listerine! Really. Good for the mouth? Good for the inside of most everything! NO,,,I haven't tried that,,,,yet.

I have not had an ear infection since doing all those things. Soy and all. It's usually a combination of things that help or solve most any problem, or cause them.

Listerine, Neosporin, and next time, if you do have one, Do NOT take antibiotics until you tried the above first. Just once a week of maintenance could be enough to prevent them. But if just starting to feel something,,,try the Listerine wash, then a swabbing of a "little" Neosporin. Just a thin film. Go slow and deep, VERY carefully though. Move the swab in slow easy circles to wash and apply the Neo. Do NOT get to the point of feeling pain afterwards from pushing too deep or too hard. Use that for something else!

Actually a Member Since 1996 or 97 (Number One Hundred Something).