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Posted By: FreewheelNat Ear infection - 09/30/08 01:07 PM
Damn it, I've been feeling a bit dizzy on and off for a couple of days so I've been to the doctor's this morning and he told me I had an ear infection frown

He said there would be no long term damage to my ear but I never like having anything bad happening to my ears...

I guess I just have to be patient, I'm on antibiotics for 5 days now.

Have you ever had an ear infection? How long did it last? Could it become chronic? How did you catch it?

I think I caught mine when I went swimming last week; instead of feeling good after my swim like I normally do, I felt feverish and my lymph nodes were painful.
Posted By: Nigel Quin Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 03:58 PM
Hi Natalie

Sorry to hear about that. The only infections I have had have been quite minor however I do know how miserable it can be when ears aren’t functioning correctly. I have needed to have my ears syringed 2 or 3 times in the past, I actually enjoy the sensation and when it’s done I can hear flies walking on window panes! grin

I am sure in a week’s time you will be fine.

Nige smile
Posted By: Dave Rice (D) Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 06:47 PM

Ear infections are not usually long lasting but they can cause a great deal of discomfort. (Ask Sub!) The dizziness and the pain can be anywhere from moderate to severe.

Keep those cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol around permanently and when the present condition is cured... remember to give those ears a "treatment" (with much gentleness) every couple of days. Also, when time permits, lookup some of the symptoms, causes and cures by doing a "Google."

Hope you are better soon.


Posted By: FreewheelNat Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 07:26 PM
Thanks Dave for the sympathy, it's very much needed today smile

I've never heard of using cotton swabs and alcohol to cure ear infection, or as a "cleaning treatment".

Is it something you guys (and ladies) do?
Posted By: Johnny Daubert Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 07:58 PM
I've had tons of them, since being very little. Chronic allergies and reaching into my ear, Scratching the skin even just a little), is what mostly leads to them. When I was 8 through 15, I was given 6 shots every two weeks during the fall, for a few years, three in each arm). But now, being 55, and doing some things I'll mention soon, I don't get ear infections anymore.

I have lots of scar tissue in both ears though. You want to hear the funny part in this? I took up piano tuning, by ear! In 1976. I still tune, (even though I also played in loud bands from age 14 to 25). So, damned be the infections and loud music! I still hear flies fart! (One of the perks in still having good hearing).

So don't fret over one infection. I've had at least 100 of them.

Bacteria only needs a very tiny scratch in the ear to take hold and grow, so first, never put your fingers in them! Fingers!!! You know where they've been?!. I also found that cutting out COWS milk REALLY helped even more! (The very next week of not drinking any milk). I went to "Silk", soy milk. It's not milk, of course, for soy don't have breast! But it's been really good tasting for me, especially after the first day getting used to the change. I use it in pancakes and anything milk was used in before. I still use coffee creamer though, and found if having more than two cups a day, I get hyper! Ha! And, a little more contested, I mean congested. Ah,,,both I guess.

Do things to always lower congestion, and keep fingers out of your ears! Use Q tips with just a hint of Neosporin, after cleaning the inside of the ear (gently), with Listerine! Really. Good for the mouth? Good for the inside of most everything! NO,,,I haven't tried that,,,,yet.

I have not had an ear infection since doing all those things. Soy and all. It's usually a combination of things that help or solve most any problem, or cause them.

Listerine, Neosporin, and next time, if you do have one, Do NOT take antibiotics until you tried the above first. Just once a week of maintenance could be enough to prevent them. But if just starting to feel something,,,try the Listerine wash, then a swabbing of a "little" Neosporin. Just a thin film. Go slow and deep, VERY carefully though. Move the swab in slow easy circles to wash and apply the Neo. Do NOT get to the point of feeling pain afterwards from pushing too deep or too hard. Use that for something else!
Posted By: BIG JIM MERRILEES Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 08:02 PM
Usually ear infections can be cleared up within a few days and the antibiotics should do their job. Meanwhile it can be painful and cause nausea and dizziness. The minute bones in our inner ear are responsible for maintining our balance. It is very important to get medical advice if you experience symptoms associated with ear infections as untreated it can be very serious. Never poke around inside your ears as untold damage can be caused. I hope it clears up soon.
Posted By: FreewheelNat Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 08:23 PM
It doesn't cause me pain at all but it does cause me a lot of nausea and dizziness.

When I walked into the doctor's surgery this morning, he spotted straight away what I had, from the way my right eye was apparently twitching (I wasn't even aware my eye was twicthing). Anyway, he asked me if I had pain in my ears and I said that I didn't, so he was a little surprised. Still, he examined me and found that indeed I had an infection in my right ear.

Thanks John for your tips. Funnily, I do drink soya milk (I love the taste), but I eat a lot of dairy too (cheese, yogurt etc). I'll try to remember not to touch my ear with my fingers, though I don't do it much but I'm sure I do it sometimes (when no one is watching lol).

I'm not one for self medicating so I always go to the doctor when something is wrong. I really admire their expertise and their knowledge, and wouldn't think I can do better myself.

I have had a number of tooth infections over the years and once, a dentist told me that it could be related.
Posted By: Bill Robinson Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 09:30 PM
Inner ear infections often cause no pain. I get them occasionally. The first time I had one, in my twenty's, It was so bad I could not stand. I lay in bed afraid to moved because every time I moved I felt like I was falling out of bed. I wasn't of course but my brain thought I was. But I had absolutely no pain.

I have had a repeat now and again and Antibiotics take care of it

I still get that sensation on occasion. My understanding is it is caused from fluid buildup in the inner ear. I take a benadryl it clears up.

I think those inner ear infections are different from the ones that cause ear aches. When I was a kid I would get terrible ear infections and they were extremely painful. I eventually grew out of them.
Posted By: FreewheelNat Re: Ear infection - 09/30/08 10:15 PM
Yes, what you are describing is pretty similar to what I'm having, though mine seems to be a bit milder as I can get out of bed (but not do much else unfortunately).
Posted By: Colin Ward Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 02:09 PM
My wife gets ear infections occasionally. A doctor friend recommended the following remedy. Put a little neosporin (or store brand equivalent antibiotic) and a little lidocaine (for pain) in a spoon or other small container and heat the mix a little until it's runny - make sure it's not too hot and dribble it in the bad ear.

It works for the wife.
Posted By: Jerry Jakala Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 03:50 PM
Where can you find lidocaine without a prescription?
Ear infections have been making me more crazy than usual this past year.


Posted By: Colin Ward Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 04:23 PM
I think there is a non-prescription version called benzocaine or similar. I happen to have some left from a wisdom tooth extraction episode.
Posted By: Bill Robinson Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 04:27 PM
First thing is ro figure out what type ear infection you have.
Outer ear infections are different than inner ear infections.
Inner ear almost always needs a systemic intervention. They are like colds or sore throats. they usually are not painful but can be.
Outer ear infection (often called swimmers ear) are from external causes, dirty water, or putting contaminated objects in your ear.
Like a dirty finger, or using a match stick to scratch in your ear. I'm guilty of that, I often use my car key. It works great but is not a good thing to do.

Outer ear infections are usually painful. Grab your ear and wiggle it back and forth. If it hurts it is probably outer ear infection.
If you are dizzy, or have a sensation that you are still moving after you stop, have balance issues it is probably inner ear.

Two very different infections that need different treatments.

Have fun.

Lidocaine is not an over the counter medication.
Posted By: BIG JIM MERRILEES Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 06:54 PM
I would not recommend any over the counter or home made remedies for ear problems. If you have any pain or loss of hearing or discomfort giddiness or nauseousness associated with ear infections see a doctor asap. Meddling with ears can do irreparable damage. We musicians need our ears.
Posted By: FreewheelNat Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 08:22 PM
I'm with Big Jim on that, I'm not a doctor and I don't want to risk messing things up by trying out some home made remedies that might harm my ears.
Posted By: Colin Ward Re: Ear infection - 10/01/08 08:43 PM
Just to clarify, the "home remedy" I described was recommended to us by an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor who we know.
Posted By: Jerry Jakala Re: Ear infection - 10/03/08 01:45 AM
I did some looking around on the net and Neosporin also now makes an antibiotic cream with pain reliever's in it.
For some reason the past year or so I've had more than my share of ear infection's.
I usually get drops to put in my ears from my primary doctor but the Neosporin thing is worth a try.

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