Wy, I wish you lived here. I'd buy you some Willis Knighton chicken livers or some calf liver and onions. Both would put junk in the trunk, hair on your upper lip and some meat on your thighs. Where I work, they don't worry about portions. Why no, it's whatever they can heap on your plate. And, if they can...they'll put extra mayo or Hollandaise sauce on whatever it is. They make this tempura battered catfish and then they drizzle shrimp spiked Hollendaise sauce over it. They call it Shrimp Lafitte. Lord, my mouth's watering now, just thinking about it. Anyway, they're proud of their food. However, they do allow us a discount. I'm so full of **** tonight. Too much caffeine.

"Grits is one of those country-boy words that is both singular and plural-like deer, elk and sheep. I think the singular is appropriate when there's a modifier that makes it clear one is talking about something specific. Like, 'Grits are good for you, but these here grits is tasty.'"~~Joe Wrabek