Howdy Ms Kaley,

Thank you so much my dear, for the heads up on Wy. I am adding my prayers to the pile...but don't you dare give a hint to that ol' curmudgeon that all of us care about him or he will certainly get a big head over all this...and we can't let THAT happen. grin A swelled head'll only shift too much blood to his brain and we know he needs it for other things. But the good Lord can't let anything happen to him cause then I wouldn't have anyone to harass and not see eye-to-eye with when we're co-writing!!! That just wouldn't be right!!

But we know that God answers prayers. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Looks like we have more than two or three sending up prayers on Wy's behalf. He ought to be fixed shortly. Gotta trust that.

Blessings and hugs,