Our next Professional Growth interrum meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, from 7 pm to about 9:30 pm. This meeting is open to all Tampa Chapter JPF members.

At this meeting, we will start off discussing what we have been doing to date to achieve our goals, and what kind of success we have had, problems encountered, etc. We probably won't get through all this at this meeting. So come prepared with some serious forethought on this. First-timers to this meeting should also be prepared to discuss what your goals are.

Cindy And Frank LaRosa have offered to host this meeting. I will email directions to their place to all who respond to this post that they want to attend and that I have email addresses for. Again, I don't want to post personal info on these boards for security reasons.

Please come self contained with whatever you may need, such as pencil, paper, drinks, or any snacks. Since people are kind enough to volunteer to host these meetings, we should minimize our impact on their places.

Please respond either by email to me or on the JPF board, with the board being preferred. We hope to see you there!

Stone Marmot
retro pop-rock original music

[This message has been edited by Andy K (edited 04-15-2006).]

Stone Marmot
Nouveau retro pop-rock music
Listen to our latest song “I Sing Along” at:
and its music video at