Originally Posted by Mark Kaufman
Originally Posted by Michael Zaneski

Hi Mark,

What a Holy Grail this movie is. Thanks for pointing me to it!!!

I've heard bits and pieces of these performances on various bootlegs, but all the commentary and background stuff is priceless, and imagine how much fun it was for me after reading in a recent Joni bio the account of teaching McGuinn and Dylan "Coyote" --to actually see that! She gives T-Bone Burnette (I think it's him) the stink-eye at one point, like "what are you playing, dude?" Another funny moment for me was watching Baez seemingly under the influence of Bolivian marching powder, whipping out some dance moves that looked like they were inspired by Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In. And Dylan carefully choosing his words when recalling the event, "I don't know what happened..she was doin' the boogaloo!"

Dylan's another that can hear long lines in his head. "Tangled Up In Blue" creates a tangled web with it's prosody as well as lyrical content.

It was great seeing Ratso, for the first time, as he's been a character in most of Kinky Friedman's detective novels, which I love. He's also apparently a well thought of playwright.

Another doc well worth seeing is the recent Showtime doc called "Eric Clapton: A Life In Twelve Bars" which recounts his horrible childhood, growing up with his grandma, meeting his mom at nine and having her reject him again, him turning to music as a source of salvation, him revering and copying the old blues masters, his torch for Patti Harrison, his drug and alcohol abuse and subsequent racist rant, and laced throughout it all, footage from one of the most technically gifted guitar players to grace the planet. I only wish there was a recounting of him and Pete Townshend seeing (for the first time) Hendrix performing and them turning to each other and saying, "we're done.."


I know! What a flick. Joan Baez was out of her head having fun, on another plane, freaking people out. What a wild one. And Dylan just channeled madness the whole time, often silly, very physical and Neil Young-like when jamming down. What a time. I read Sam Shepard's account long ago, so these images are really unexpectedly jarring to see now.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the Rainbow Concert where Townshend got Clapton back on his feet and gigging again. What lives those people lead.

Maybe this would be a common house fly... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewUlF-ka5qE

Always thought this was cool, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpEwAk6U42w

I dont know what Pete was worried about though. He was never under pressure for being a virtuoso guitarist Like Clapton and Page were. But he was clearly one of the best songwriters of all time, and a very VERY underated guitarrist. Listen to the who with headphones you'll see/hear what I mean

Last edited by Fdemetrio; 06/14/19 02:46 PM.