Originally Posted by Ray E. Strode
Aw Yes,
To be or not to be, that is the question. NOW how does one decide he has written a good song? I wish I knew. The best you can do is write and write and write. When you have something you think is good send it out. Others will let you know, (OR NOT), if the song is any good.

Also on top of what Mike said, I feel if you CAN write & write do not stop keep writing. The only thing is for some that means writing more songs, different songs. So time and energy, ideas and MOST of all inspiration is spent on them. In some cases I fear wasted on them sometimes.

Take all of those things all of that time and effort and place it into ONE song instead of 10 or 20 songs. One great song or GOOD song verses 20 okay ones.
Recently I was told, I heard your music and every song was a winner, they were all different and anyone of them could do well,
do you have more?

Answer - No! smile

Even the best in history have these windows of inspiration, some have it for one year others a decade, others the rarest ones make it two, three decades. It wasn't always that they wrote countless amounts of songs and only picked the best ones to put out. They couldn't have the time to do that. Everything they were doing was the best they could do, it was ALL inspired and then really crafted. The period or periods were the talent you are born with (you have or you don't) finds the inspiration and they introduce themselves to Mr. Hard Work! smile

Mr. Hard Work lol My mind is still in the second grade lol
Class is dismissed children smile

Peace Mike

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