
I think Kevin has laid out every day he spent here. I hope he will post some more on how it is affecting him from here but that was pretty much what we did.

Mike, anything in music has always been pretty much the same. You can look at it as a snowball effect. An artist starts with a song or writer,whatever. They build a product.Most of the time now they are the same thing but the principals are the same. They create a product and get it outside of what they can do. They build fan base, in this day, get on the net, get out continually all the time doing more as they go.

Other people pick that up and carry the torch to places the artist can't get themselves. They tell two friends, they tell two friends, etc. the reputation grows. Again in this day and age people are sending You Tube links,MP3's, web site links. That builds even more fan base and if the writer/artist is smart they continue to network in higher and higher level circles.

Lo and behold, do that a lot, make people love you, overcome the hurdles thrown in your way and you have a career. It is pretty much the same way it has always been done.