Originally Posted by Dave Rice
Hi Ben:

They just don't seem to be the same up there in Portland anymore... after the spin-off/sale to DiskMakers.

I agree Dave, I have noticed a drop in service and satisfaction lately. They made a few mistakes on me, I informed them and they were corrected, all but one. They encoded one of my CDs and short changed two of the songs, putting up less than the full song, I found out about it when a customer down loaded the CD and ended up with two shortened songs on it. I informed CD Baby and they said they would fix the problem and give another down load to the customer free of charge. The last time I checked with the customer, it had not happened. I told her to go back again and let me know if she got satifaction. This is a good customer who has bought about 9 or 10 of my CDs through CD Baby, so I want to keep her happy, so should CD Baby.

I know anyone can make a mistake, but it should be corrected as soon as possible.