I enjoyed this muchly, Calvin. Very thought-provoking.
I especially like this verse:

A common way to kill a man
Put his love on hold
A thousand days without a kiss
The world seems so cold

Your lyric also brought to mind one of my favourite poems.
It's called "5 Ways to Kill a Man" by Edwin Brock (1927-1997).
It's too long to reproduce here, but the last 3 lines are:

"... Simpler, direct, and much more neat
Is to see that he is living somewhere in the middle
Of the twentieth century, and leave him there."

(One could easily replace "twentieth century" with "twenty-first century".

Your lyric expresses well the kind of dehumanisation and lack of compassion Brock was referring to.


Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Life is too important to take seriously.
