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Deviled Eggs for a crowd

Boil 12 eggs to hard boiled stage. Run cool water over then and crack shells gently to "shock" them. Peel the eggs and set whole eggs aside to cool for 30 minutes.

Once cooled, slice in half. Remove yolks and place in small mixing bowl. Lay boiled halves (minus yolks) on serving dish.

Mash yolks until they are powdery. Add 2 T chopped dill pickles or pickle relish, then add 1 T finely chopped or grated onion. Salt, pepper to taste. Then, add 1/3 to 1/2 cup of Miracle Whip salad dressing. The amount of Miracle Whip will depend on the size of eggs you use, so start adding this slowly. (The final consistency should resemble toothpaste.) Mix until creamy, then begin "stuffing" the eggs, placing yolk mixture into yolk "craters". Once you have stuffed the eggs, lightly sprinkle with paprika. Serve well chilled.

"Grits is one of those country-boy words that is both singular and plural-like deer, elk and sheep. I think the singular is appropriate when there's a modifier that makes it clear one is talking about something specific. Like, 'Grits are good for you, but these here grits is tasty.'"~~Joe Wrabek