HiDee JP Folks!

You-uns tend to forget that the Really Rich can just move their Business's Registration to someplace-Offshore & maintain Biz-as-Usual, perhaps even paying LESS Taxes. The rich simply WON'T pay "Their Fair Share"..'cuz they can AFFORD to pay Someone to Help Em Dodge it. Mick Jagger set up his Biz in Holland..it's a Model to this day of How to Set Up a Low-Tax Corporation.

Now..not ONE mention of how the Lower & Lower-Middle Class avoids paying THEIR Fair Share...it's called Workin' For Cash. To this day, there are MANY a Job where ya can Work For Cash & Who's The Wiser? (Any Street Corner Musician KNOWS all about Beating The Tax System, now don't ya?) So please spare me the Holier-Than-The-Rich Attitudes...

The States have mostly Caught On: Institute a State LOTTERY. It's Fun...SOME actually Get-Some-Back (!), AND The Cash-Only Crowd ends up Paying Their Fair Share. & the State rolls in MILLIONS after-expenses.

So, let things stay as they probably WILL, BUT institute a NATIONAL LOTTERY. BIG Jackpots/Lots OF 'Em. (Maybe NOT so big that the States'll lose THEIR Lottery Buyers..but perhaps TAX-FREE Winnings'd be the Big Draw...ya actually get to KEEP what ya WIN!)

My guess is there'd be a Landslide of NEW Federally-Available Funds...pretty Painless...even FUN to Contribute a buck or two to weekly.

No sense all the Indian Tribes rakin' in ALL the Gamblin' Loot Available, & it's quite FAIR, too: You don't wanna pay in-essence a Tax Increase, you DON'T buy a Ticket. IF the Payouts ARE Interesting-Enough, I'd bet even The Rich'll buy a few--

Otherwise, don't hold yer breath..we already owe Too Many Foreign Nations WAY Too Much.


PS: Brian, I think "Crime Rate's Down" 'cuz Billions been spent on More Prisons..& More Cops. Fewer Kids-per-Adult Ratio is also helpin' out.

Last edited by "TampaStan" Good; 09/08/08 03:57 PM.