I love the dialog that has developed here and I can truley understand everyones opinions. Here are somethings to consider.
Although the Whistle Stop has been a welcoming venue, it's got a great location etc. do we want to be sitting out in that patio in May? Probably not. The reason we stayed at Johnny G's so long was because we had the freedom to have speakers, make announcements and showcase. And it was a safe weather venue. Don't worry so much about the patrons/house, rember they're getting an entire afternoon of free entertainment and the speaker / announcement section of the day only goes on about 1/2 hr to 45 mins. Also by addressing the folks at the bar and letting them know whats going on and that very soon they will be treated to some of the best independent artists in Tampa Bay we NEVER had a complaint anbout speakers or announcements.That said....
Andy's right we tried, he tried, others in the organization have tried to have an interim night where it's strictly for an educational purpose. It hasnt worked. Heres my suggestion. Since we have many members who don't participate on the boards why dont we really push hard this next meeting to get as mant folks out as possible and take a minute and poll them. Let's try to get some type of commitment and then have a sign up sheet and if we need to we can have it at a library or civic center or my back deck. We could shoot for a quarterly educational meeting or just do it as the felling and or need or availability of a special educational speaker became available.
Just my three cents....
Keep Strummin' Al