
Who registered the song with ASCAP? You say you have not joined ASCAP. You cannot register a song with them if you are not a member. If the song was never completed and never published or performed in a public medium how was it registered. This makes no sense.

According to what I saw on the ASCAP database there are two writers listed for the song. Did you have a cowriter?
The performer is also listed.
Someone had to register it. I would think that person would have to remove it.

If you join ASCAP online I am sure it is free to join. I joined online last year and there was no charge."

I'm told differently, that's all I know.
As far as the registration, I didn't do it. I was not informed, asked, nor told about it until it was already done.

Also, it was placed on a website for paid downloading, and I was not informed of that either, until it was already done.

I really want to withdraw my name and my work completely.

Why am I always the last to know anything?

Co-Write Friendly.....Look at my blog on My Space.


Ronnie Van Zant fan