Richard Mc:

I find myself solidly in your camp on the self-promotion issue. Sure I know it puts us at a terrible disadvantage for a brief span of time. In the long run though, if our songs are really good, quality will rise to the surface.

The world in which I was raised is rapidly disappearing. Now it seems that the feckless fool who makes the most noise is the "King of the Hill." It goes against everything I was ever taught to believe. There seems to be a magnificent misconception going round that deems only performers are going to achieve success in today's music world. This completely ignores the songwriter and simply buries the "lyrics only" people. Sad! I'm not ready to pull the plug on writing. I firmly believe that someday I'll write and demo a showstopper song that'll attract the attention of somebody with real singing talent, wanting to do a cover. Keep the fame... just plug me into the income stream that songwriters struggle so hard to achieve.

All my best,

Dave Rice