Hey Jesse..

I'm gonna disagree with my talented colleagues but before I do..I'm gonna agree with one of them..

Kaley mentioned seeing a development of growth in your writing..I heartily agree with that !

When I read this, I really get the feeling that I understand just what you're feeling..that's a real good thing. What that means to me is that you're learning to convey feeling thru words...the heart of what we're all trying to do..
Congratulations !

Now to the lyric itself...

I will disagree with others in that when I was far away fromn home..on the road..feeling like my life was not going as it should..being depressed or whatever..I just wanted to go home !
I didn't need to paint a picture of home in my mind..I didn't need "details"..I just wanted to go home.. period !
What I'm saying is that I think describing your own bummed out feelings as you've done here, is enough to make you want to get back home..Seattle in your case.

This is good writing Jesse..shows real growth and maturity..

Very good young man !


This lyric is just about ready for music and a lucky singer in my opinion..