Originally Posted by Sunset Poet
Originally Posted by Brian Austin Whitney

I don't know who else you are referring to, but I'd like to see an example of me playing favorites with ANYONE or allowing gratuitous attacks on anyone? If people do not call on a moderator to help, how are we supposed to help? There is pretty much me and Kevin.

I was going to pass on this Brian, but since you called me out.
I'm not going to go through some long winded replay. If you want to see an example...go to your thread about voter fraud and word search "fascist." Scroll down until you get to my first post that contains it. As far as Kevin taking sides in a contentious exchange and fueling an argument with crap??
C'mon, are you kidding? Read your thread.
His loop hole was that he is NOT ACTIVELY MODERATING that thread. That's like taking a dump in the middle of one street in your neighborhood and then claiming that incensed residents who do not live on that street have no reason to be.

I didnt bother you with kevin because I dont really care that much. It was just an annoyance. I used the same barely veiled insult deliver tack by which Kevin labeled me a "fascist" and an "enemy of democracy" merely because I voted for Trump...and returned the favor labelling him simple minded.

As for your inquiry about you...You and I share some wavelengths. National sovereignty. Decentralization of power, personal freedoms such as baking a cake for whoever we want and dont want. Correct me if I am wrong.

What we dont share is the certainty with which you post up theories of world domination with no way to know or verify them by either you or your sources. You claim that all the facts are there..but to me, it's kind of like the bible. People tell me that it is the absolute truth, but I cant make sense of it when I read it. Then I am told that I lack the mental capacity to grasp it.

The point being...the adamant world domination schemes are not a good look for the owner of your site...but you own the site. You get to do it. I dont question it or bring it up UNLESS you call my name.

You can't be serious. If you are in the middle of a two sided fight and someone punches harder than you, is it my responsibility to make sure you win? Though I didn't notice anyone calling you Facist, you do understand that on most things, you and I agree? I get called all sorts of things, but my actual friends here, in the political battle on the board. If you enter into the fray on Covid or Politics, then sorry, stuff is going to be said. I've have said repeatedly that me and Kevin do not see eye to eye on many things, yet I still have him as my only significant moderator because I don't have to agree with everyone. If Kevin called me a Facist (and sounds like maybe he has based on your complaint) I simply laugh it off. If someone called you a Purple Flower would you be hurt? No, because you are so obviously not a purple flower that it only makes the person who called you that look ridiculous to rational minded people.

If he called you that (which apparently he did) that is not his finest moment. I'd like to see him rectify that. I have good family and friends who voted for both major candidates and none of them are facists (though I think some are clueless). So to use that language only damages the argument you want to make and it also makes you a bigot. Not "all" people are EVER one thing based on one action or characteristic. That is so patently stupid I feel worse for Kevin than I do anyone he called a Facist. It's just a dumb thing to say.

If Kevin went to a lyric you posted or a song and called you a Facist or any other kind of "ist" I would take action and have a talk with him. If, however, you both go into a mudpit and start slinging mud, I am not going to be as concerned when you get dirty. If he chases you down around the board doing it, then again, that is a problem and I need to know about it.

In general I will openly say to Kevin, you need a better argument than name calling. If that is all you have, rethink your position. I mean I could argue your points that I don't agree with better than that.

If it continues, let me know.

Brian Austin Whitney
Just Plain Folks
Skype: Brian Austin Whitney
Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks

"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney

"It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney

"Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney