Originally Posted by Perry Neal Crawford
I am a lyricist that can't write or read music, but I hear melodies when I am writing my words. I write with the melody dictating what I call the "syllabolic rhythm" of the words. Tempo changes in the melody result in changes in the syllable count of the words in a stanza. "If Wishes Were Horses" is an example of a melody in my head producing a singable poem that Deej56 readily heard a melody for and made the recording: https://soundcloud.com/user-913316932/if-wishes-were-horses

I must agree that the music most often comes first although the Byrds did a great job with Ecclesiastes verses.

The challenge is that you can be a great wordsmith, but are you a melody writer? Maybe your a poet or a novelist.

Its hard enough for musicians to write great melodies, let alone a poet who sings his words to himself. What kind of melody will it be.

Not you, you, just you in general.