
The question got me thinking. If I only had the energy for one last song before exiting this world, what would be that song? That depends on where I'm at hypothetically speaking in: life, location, time, and company.

My status in life would influence my thought process. Am I rich? Am I poor? Am I married with kids or single and alone?

My location would also play a part. Am I in my own home? Am I put IN a home? Am I in the mid-west, on a coast, island, different country, mountain?

The place in time. Has the world remained the same? What state of affairs is America in? What state of affairs is the world in? Are we in a state of peace? Are we at war?

The company I keep will influence my thought process as well. Who am I with?

And then all of this got me thinking......I know the title of the song. It would be called "End of the Road".

The song would be a celebration of life. It would be a toast to the memories made along the way. It would be inspire us all to reach the end and to run across the finish line. Because life is a sum of all its parts, from the beginning, middle, and the end. Life's a journey, not a destination....So when we do find ourselves at the "End of the Road", are we proud of who we are and where we've been or are you reflecting on a series of regrets on what could have been?

THAT would be my song I leave behind.

It is very much a song for me as it would be for everyone else because we will all reach the "End of the Road."

That's my two cents.