Originally Posted by Neil Cotton
The music is powerful, like a movie score. Find the movie with this title...would be great being played over the closing credits.

Neil, thank you, which really just saying that thank you doesn't fully communicate my deep appreciation for your reply. I have for almost four decades been hunting for such projects. I might be passed the extreme frustration point, if you can imagine that. Ha! BUT, in the meantime, I must be getting better at all tasks, so maybe besides the business road blocks being what they are, I am also not ready to join the big leagues. Maybe there are thousands of me out there also trying to do this and that, who are better in many ways. Maybe I just don't know how to market my songs or skills. Probably BOTH! Ha!

Anyway, I am just trying to relate how much I appreciate your reply for all you said.



Actually a Member Since 1996 or 97 (Number One Hundred Something).