Um, Well,
The story is finished, copyright registration came back. Took about 8 months. Tried a couple of Publisher's for hire. They want about $4200.00 or so. Sorry I ain't paying to publish the story. I looked at another site where they ask for info and then find recommendations for you, basically put up Sites you can click on. Well I recognized a couple of them already so passed. However somehow my info got transferred to a new Pay Publisher I didn't ask for. And wouldn't you know it I got a call from them trying to sell me their service.

I have been looking for Movie Producer's that are seeking scripts. There are some that have a page you can give your info about the script and they will contact you if they want to read the script/story. I have sent a few but no one has asked for the story. As it costs me about 12 to 15 bucks for the package I ain't sending anything until they ask for it. I believe most of the producer's are small studios so sending to them something and getting it produced is moot at best.

Ray E. Strode