I don't consider it a waste but some do. Years ago parents use to tell their kids to hit the books so they could get a good job, rather than be playing some silly sport. Now those that become good at any silly sport can become a millionaire over night while some with a good education can't get a job. Our world has turn upside down. Parents encourage their kids who have a talent in sports, music, etc to work hard at it so they can become rich and famous. LOL

We are all given talents, some more glamorous than others, and we should share those talents with others, not necessarily for free, but not necessarily to get rich on either. Those talented in the trades are paid a good wage, such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc. Those in professions like Doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. get rewarded for their talents and gifts. Some in the arts get well paid for their skills also.

I agree that those that are the best in any field should be rewarded accordingly, but it just goes too far where the top one percent get 95% of the money while the other 99% get to split the remaining 5%. There is just too much of a spread between the top one percent and the other 99%, many of the 99% may be almost as talented as the top 1%, but get little for their skills.

Take music for instance, in small towns there are musicians and singers that have lots of talent, they get asked to donate their talents to help raise money for someone in need, they do so with no monetary reward. A top of the line rich and famous singer would never get asked to do this on a small scale because they wouldn't have time to do so. They would do so on a big project like a flood, fire, etc. they may do it out of the goodness of their hearts but the good publicity would also help their careers.

There should be a more equable way to spread the money around but I don't have the answer of how it can be done. Those on top want to stay on top and want to claim most, if not all, the money on top. Human nature I guess.