Originally Posted by TC Perkins
I really like this song! It has tremendous potential. You guys just need to fix a couple things and get a top notch production of this.

OK, first things first. The harmony played by the guitar on the first part of every verse is clashing with the melody. It is mostly right but there is one note played on the guitar during that sequence that rubs the vocals.

I love the hook, and the overall lyrics/melody/etc. are quite good. The performance on this version is okay but it could be much better. I think you guys could improve this with minimal work. I think by working on it some more the production would also benefit.

Good song!


Thanks TC, glad you liked it! and yes it could be better, if I had more skills. I will continue to work on it. As far as the note clashing with the melody, I'm not catching it. where in the lyrics would it happen?


Everything we have has come from you, and we
give you only what you have already given us!

1 Chronicles 29:14
