Hi everyone,
Yeah, it's nowhere near that season, and this isn't your typical Christmas song, but 'twas a fun write needless to say. Maybe it can find some kind of sync project. (film/tv)


Oh, it's that time of year again
when December rolls around
Gotta start thinking of the season
and the crappy cheerful sounds

I'll be run down and all over
By that wonderful time of the year
Trying to find the perfect gift
I can do without this cheer

This shopper is pretty frightful
And no way am I delightful
This year I may skip shopping
You can stuff your stocking
I mean really, who needs this stress
Merry frigging Christmess

I can do without the wrapping
and silly ribbons too
Who wants to do a bunch of baking
Cookies from the bakery will do

And to be fussing over a tree
With tinsel and sparklin’ galore
Doncha think it's a bit much
Needles cause havoc on the floor


Santa will have a lighter load
Without any gifts, ya know
Let him enjoy the snow
Right up there in the north pole


(c)Marilyn Oakley - Vocals: Nekane