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by JAPOV |
Edit Note: If you WANT a politics focused board here, please post below and let me know. If over 20 people want it, I will add it. (We used to require 100!) I edited the title of this post. Below is JAPOV's original, unedited post. Please refrain from further new political posts until we determine if people want it, or just a handful do. I explain further on my response below. ‐---‐---------- Thanks for getting back to me Brian. I do understand and respect your position on blatant politically divisive threads, and am happy to hear that you aren't actually responsible for deleting them. JPFolks is your baby and you always want it presented in its best light. However... Light comes in many colors and JPFolks shouldn't be part of the problem. In this age of "cancel culture", if you lower yourself to their level, then they win. You can't hide behind "feel good neutrality". It's a lie. Take your thread about "impossible voting numbers" for example. https://www.jpfolks.com/forum/ubbth...iscrepancies-impossible.html#Post1170874Look at all the idiots who actually try to dispute "simple math" just to press their own bull$hit political agenda. These morons satiate themselves with lies, and perpetuate the lies, knowing that the argument will never end as long as they keep lying. That's how they create a "false necessity" to enforce moderation; Cancellation in the name of peace... IT'S A [naughty word removed]!NG LIE! A lie can only be countered with truth. Truth can only be discerned if we are free to dispute lies. The day we can't call out deception for what it is, we're done. And, if that day ever comes, this site won't mean a damn thing anyway... Try to take solace in the fact that you didn't create the problem. I don't believe you're a liar. But, you've only been given two choices, Brian... Maintain your integrity and the freedom of JPF, or accept defeat. I've noticed that many Country and Inde artists are already taking a stand against "cancel culture" and the lying socialist agenda... Personally, I would be proud if JPF took that stand as well. Hopefully, you see that I actually put time, thought, and consideration into the things that I write... not to mention good humor lol. It really is insulting when threads that I participate in just... disappear. ----------------------------------------- ADDENDUM:... I never specifically asked for a "POLITICS" thread. POLITICS in the form of CANCEL CULTURE has been thrust upon ME!
by Brian Austin Whitney |
Brian Austin Whitney |
We did not receive any interest in having a politics "board" beyond a couple people on this post. Going forward, this single post will be the "politics" board. Argue in the circular firing squad, but keep it all here. Political arguments elsewhere will be either deactivated into the archive or added onto this post.
No one will "win" any back and forth by the way. So what your point is will mostly be lost to those you direct it at. In my view ALL of it is simply propaganda and all sides are controlled by the same interests who have long ago bought our government. Enjoy the bread and circuses all you want, but the agenda that will always be served isn't the left or right, it isn't any special interest group either. All of that is theater to keep everyone's focus off the corruption and evil behind ALL these people. Senile Joe and Senile McConnell have marionette strings that are easy to see due to their mental decline, but the same people are controlling both who also control the rest. I would LOVE to vote for an honest and non corrupt person of ANY political viewpoint, but those people never get financed to run.
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by John Lawrence Schick |
John Lawrence Schick |
I like music because I like math. It tends to separate viable intellect from evolved incompetence...
Besides, a discerning mind is required to recognize and tolerate the limits of apes. Though music is elementary math. Music communicates through emotions that far surpasses words. My pet line is "music goes where mere words cannot". John
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by JAPOV |
The murmuring growls Fiendishly waiting As valor grays, such are the days For the wolves of fading
No recompense for ruthless nature Repute is no savior Reconcile the call of the wild
Recall winter's howling inspiration And a rise above station Glory is such a short sweet story
Drooling, panting, pacing Pensively hesitating Death is near to the smell of fear For the wolves of fading The promise of bloody benevolence And a brief reverence Highlights a warriors plight The pack heralds its merciless alpha And sings to Valhalla An ode to a paladin soul
One last ferocious snarl Throat gaping Mighty splendor shamefully surrenders To the wolves of fading
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by VNORTH2 |
I’m going to make this short.
1.Whichever moderator shut down both threads, a)reveal yourself b) give your reasons for shutting down the threads c) put both threads back up with an apology
There is no place at JPF for this kind of nonsense
Back in 2021, after many email conversations with Brian, I made a substantial donation to JPF which was used to help get this site back open, and additional funds in 2023 to help with song contests. I have never wanted this to be known and I did it because I thought JPF was worth keeping on the internet...but when I see something like this happen, it gives me pause to question my decision to help out
Neither thread was disrespectful IMO...and I can personally vouch for that as I debated on one of them with a couple of very good people, Marty and Tony.
Let’s get this resolved quickly and move on perhaps with a few guidelines
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by John Voorpostel |
John Voorpostel |
Hey Tony
Not my intent to liken T with H because that is plain dumb from all kinds of perspectives...
Only point I wanted to make was the irony...USA taught Germany a valuable lesson ..... look out for the charismatic man with the Big Lies......now seemingly lost on the USA...
And no, the USA has no widespread censorship like Germany did, but I am not sure if the disinformation in the media is not the same or worse in terms of outcome...you don't need censorship to control the mind if spreading disinformation will do just as well
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by couchgrouch |
couchgrouch |
I thought it was just me.
I guess not.
It took me quite a while to pen an article that wove a recent tragedy, the Bible and historical figures such as Herod Agrippa I to make a spiritual point. I hoped people would read at least part of it, but I doubted anyone would respond. I received one positive comment, which I appreciated.
Then my entire post vanished.
I was never contacted as to why, the post was just gone.
I suspect that action was the result of two possible things.
1. People complained to a moderator without approaching me first with their concerns. (Very courageous)
2. The "moderator" deleted my post unilaterally without the courtesy of telling me why. (again, very courageous)
I can't imagine how anyone involved with removing my post in that manner could think themselves worthy of respect.
Deleting my post was a performance of Fascism. The loudest complainers about Fascism are often the biggest purveyors of it.
Any emotional tenderfoot easily offended by opinionated posts here should try this simple strategy...
...don't read them.
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by Sunset Poet |
Sunset Poet |
Thanks for getting back to me Brian. I do understand and respect your position on blatant politically divisive threads, and am happy to hear that you aren't actually responsible for deleting them. JPFolks is your baby and you always want it presented in its best light. Reality check on this... In 2023, all political discussions are blatantly divisive. If you bring up politics (or religion) in an open forum within a fragmented, factionalized society such as ours...the discussion is going to degenerate into divisiveness. Unless no one dares to say what they actually think. People, with the power to do so, take down the ones that offend themselves and leave ones that don't up, across the political spectrum. I was called a "fascist" because I voted for Trump BY A MODERATOR here. Until I raised hell about it, no one did anything, because it is fine when these things are done to someone not favored. "Cancel culture" is called "good judgement" and "righteous boycotting" when done by the home team. When the opposing team does it, it is called egregious and immoral. Now, you may return the program to quasi-realities and various forms of denial and window dressing.  xoxo Marty
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by E Swartz |
E Swartz |
As a moderator, I assure you that I haven't removed anyone's post and would/could not........rather, do act as eyes on the forums for any material posted that is offensive or malicious oriented and would pass that information on. I have in the past reported suspicious posts however.
Debating politics and religion are similar in some respects given convictions and passion, yet different. With politics, many feel "loyal & biased" to their party, and facts & interpretations of facts are where arguments/debate reside giving politics an easier platform for debate. Religion on the other hand, is based on faith and which/whose philosophy one believes. Are not Christians professing "progressive Judaism?" We believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah, Jews are still waiting for Him. Other religions have their prophets as well, but one central belief with "most" all religions is that their is a higher afterlife or higher plane of spiritualism. This seems to have been an innate instinct from all corners of the ancient world as far back as any history can deduce.
Isn't the real foundation of what Christ was teaching is love/honesty/humility? Yet in the name of religion, how many have died in religious wars or have lived their lives hating their fellow man? It will not change, just as political differences will not change due to predictable human behavior that is created by bias, culture, & environment. Utopia could only be possible if ALL were honest, compassionate, & considerate--its not in our DNA, we are competitive by nature and will protect our families if required at almost any cost.
Its great that we all have different personalities and even political opinions, how boring the world would be if we all were clones in our thinking. I avoid religious/political discussions as a rule, any have always chosen not to wear my religious and political views "on my sleeve," for a couple of reasons: One, my Father had a strong influence on me and advised me to always think twice before ever speaking in a accusatory or opinionated manner, two, many issues are really not black or white and may have several shades of gray which perhaps can allow arbitration on ambiguous differences. There is also Three, I know that the gospels in which I was brought up Methodist, advocate witnessing Christianity, however, I do not feel that I should persuade you how to choose/live your life in a spiritual way--you are your own person, and that is your decision. There will be those that say, "you are then not a true Christian," and I would just reply, "our actions in life" IMO will supersede who/what we say we are in the end........maybe, maybe not.
Happy Easter all, pray for the world--tough times here in the USA and scary times for the world.
All I really wanted to say, is that I didn't remove anything Chester!
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by Everett Adams |
Everett Adams |
Censorship is an essential tool to implement dictatorship into a country. If people only have access to news from one point of view, the government's point of view, then it is easy to chip away at people's freedoms. Unfortunately, we are now starting to see this in Canada under today's government with BillC-11 and C-18 being rammed through the House. This is the thin edge of the wedge, expect more.
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by Rob B. |
Rob B. |
Tony, do we agree that in every football game there is a winner and a loser? No team claims before the game even starts that if they lose, it can only be because of fraud. That's exactly what Mr. Trump did before the 2020 election, remember? In the 2020 election there was a winner and a loser, just like in every Super Bowl game. Apparently you and the loser still think he didn't lose. There is absolutely no evidence that what Mr. Trump and you both claim is true. He and his lawyers tried to prove it. They couldn't. So they tried to over overturn the outcome with fake electors. What if Trump had won and Biden had tried to change the outcome with fake electors? Would you think that's ok? Probably not. Then why is it ok if Mr. Trump does that? I'd be on your side if they had found some relevant evidence that the election was rigged. Writing "ALL WE KNOW..." in CAPS doesn't change the facts. Btw, who is "WE"? I don't want to get into political discussions. I respect your opinion. I just feel very sad that Fox is brainwashing so many fellow Americans. I feel sorry for them and for my country. This is dividing our country, making America very weak. Fox is not allowed to broadcast where I currently live. There is a reason for that. If Trump doesn't get locked up for trying to rig the previous election with fake electors, he might get a second chance to win or lose the 2024 elections. We'll see. This is just my personal opinion. Peace - Robert
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by Everett Adams |
Everett Adams |
Food in the US has always been cheap compared to Canada, but it seems to be rising. But don't forget the bible says it will take a day's wages to buy a day's food, we are getting there. A lot of this increase in prices, especially in food, is by design by people in high places.
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by John Voorpostel |
John Voorpostel |
Wow Tony, those food prices are shocking. Did a quick survey here just to compare, as I walked out of Costco yesterday with a fully cooked chicken for $7.99 Cdn....@ U$5.90 Admittely it is a loss leader for Costco, it gets people into Costco, but it did spur me to find Walmart here is selling fresh whole chicken for $8.99 or @ U$6.65 And the closest thing I could find on our local KFC menu for $47.30 Cdn = U$35 was a meal that supposedly feeds 9 people
Chicken producers have greater marketing power in the US???? Dunno. But lobby power and pliant politicians must carry most of the blame IMO. Not good if you are on a fixed income. So rant on there my friend.
Do know that milk and cheese and such is far more expensive here...due to government dairy industry support, and alcohol, gasoline, cigarettes etc prices are more expensive here due to taxes...don't smoke, but I do drive and do enjoy the occasional glass\botttle of wine....I have taken to non alcoholic beer in a big way and that is not taxed, but gets priced as if it does. .
And thank your lumber lobby for your lumber prices. They effectively keep Canadian lumber out of your market, except for amounts allowed in under significant tarriffs...because Canada can produce things like framing lumber far more cheaply than US producers can. Our "softwood lumber dispute" goes back decades, and despite US treatment being found illegal under NAFTA and WTO tribunals, it seems the US is bowing down to lumber interests in the US and not caring they are ruled to be in the wrong.
Using a similar "dumping" argument, Boeing went up against our Bombardier because it was about to eat its lunch on narrow body fuel efficient jets....Boeing was working on its own version (the infamous Boeing 737 Max) but was not ready for market......so the US protected its own by imposing a 220% tariff on 70 some planes ordered by Delta. Led to Bombardier selling its jet program to Europe's Airbus as its A220 which has been highly successful....while the 737 Max has been grounded now for the second time...two software related fatal crashes in 2019 (grounded the plane for 2 years) and recent blown out doors (grounded the jet once again) suggest it still is not....
Meanwhile, everyone has their hands in our pockets for as much money as they can extract...just the way things are...
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by JAPOV |
It occurs to me that socialism caters to the lowest common denominator of society... Then, expects everyone but the "ruling class" to live by that diminished standard; Unless, of course, the ruling class can also use that standard as their excuse for impropriety...
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by John Voorpostel |
John Voorpostel |
I like music because I like math. It tends to separate viable intellect from evolved incompetence...
Besides, a discerning mind is required to recognize and tolerate the limits of apes. Though music is elementary math. Music communicates through emotions that far surpasses words. My pet line is "music goes where mere words cannot". John  I like music because I like math is a fair statement in itself because those tones and intervals create interesting and pleasing sounds to our ears Even Stravinsky somehow created interesting or pleasing tones and intervals out of what should not make musical or mathematical sense. But that is a logical look....an intellectual picture. Emotion brings presence and mood and immersion into the music itself. It experiences what the mind sees independently when it looks at music in the abstract. That mind\body contact with music...that direct experience with music...that is the magic. If you can create it deliberately...like JLS ...or like you can JAPOV...Steve There's humanity in that
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by Fdemetrio |
Fdemetrio |
Trump is not the only president who ever played golf, I think just about every POTUS has played golf, and were spotted on golf courses during hard times in America.
That's not an argument against Trump.
Track records are not important to most people. What matters to most is if the POTUS thinks like they do. Track records are fudged, spun, made up to support anyone you want to
Which is why debates are pointless.
Who created more jobs Biden or Trump? Who had a better economy?
Good luck getting universal answers there
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by VNORTH2 |
Kamala is to the left of Sanders and AOC! She's just a communist media whore! Don't be surprised if she refuses to debate Trump... Tony, I'm surprised. I thought you were more open-minded. I assume Fox is brainwashing you. I actually would be surprised if Trump doesn't refuse to debate KH. He doesn't have a clear standing when it comes to abortion. Calling her names and claiming how "bad" she is and not talking about what his plans are and how he's going to finance his agenda is probably not enough to win an election. But we all heard him say that if he doesn't win then he'll call the election rigged. If that happens we'll have to go through the whole thing again. I'm not a Democrat and I'm surely not one of these "new" Republicans. I have to agree with Fdem here. By the way, you misspelled "Zieg". It's spelled with an "S" ... Sieg. Peace - Robert Rob The Dumpster doesn't want to be President, he just wants to stay out of jail..be careful he might read your comments here and adopt them as his agenda...then you would be blamed for helping him get elected..the guy is as dumb as a bag of rocks....what his plans are and financing his agenda....now you're talking his language...he ends every sentence with a $ sign not a period....his agenda is money/power...don't forget he won 2016 without a coherent agenda... Steve Steve
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by John Lawrence Schick |
John Lawrence Schick |
Who created more jobs Biden or Trump? Who had a better economy? Under Biden GDP has increased by 8.4%. Under Trump GDP grew 6.8%. Many people look at the stock market to check the strength of the economy. Since Biden took office the S&P has risen a healthy 40%. At the same point in Trump’s term it was up 13%. Under Biden, the economy added about 15.7 million jobs, around 3 million more than Trump. Both presidents were good for the economy. The question is going to be, who will be the better President ... Harris or Vance, because Trump is just too old for another 4 years. All those figures are skewed Rob. For instance, most of the job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. Biden's nearly two trillion pandemic relief measure shewed your other stats. Democrats and Republicans both play with numbers to benefit their agenda. It's very difficult to discover the truth these days. A good starting point would be to assume most Governments facts are bullshit. John
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by John Voorpostel |
John Voorpostel |
Pandering to tips to see who gets to run the circus Fighting for the right to grift us all in this collossus
Meanwhile in a microcorner of the internet FD talks about the many hundreds of everyday posters here at one time and that in this new format, we sure don't need Marty.
Well ranted and after all, this is the thread started by Tony for just another point of view on things and it is your absolute right in this place to display who you are through what you say.
What I find interesting is that you have no experience at all here, certainly before October 2017 when you joined and interestingly too about 10 years after Marty, who would have known some who made JPF great.
And given a choice myself, I would choose Marty in a heartbeat.
I want you to think about going to your best friend and suggesting both throw a party but invite only those people you both like, and your friend turning to you asking "what makes you think you'd be invited?"
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney