Happy Holidays...

I want to thank those of you who responded to my initial survey about what is needed and wanted in an LA chapter of Just Plain Folks. Trying to get a first meeting together during the holidays was not really feasible so I thought it best to set our sights on January. Friday night at 7:30 received the most favorable responses overall so let's start with that. January 7th looks like a good way to start the year with expanding one's music horizons so please respond to this invitation to meet at our studio (1309 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91506 - park on Griffith Park Drive just north of Riverside, enter through alley, look for the big blue bus and follow the signs!) on January 7th, 2011, at 7:30 p.m. for about 2.5 hours. The purpose of this meeting will be to connect (and/or reconnect) back to the LA group, and to get to know each other. I'll line up a successful songwriter/composer to speak for a bit, and play, too. Then you can play if you like. After this initial meeting, I think I'll have a good idea how to steer the ship for a most interesting creative journey, and you'll be able to embark or disembark at our various destinations as you please.

All the best...
Randall Michael Tobin

You may reply to this post directly at randy@thetasound.com