Left Hander’s Party at Black Bear Lodge
August 13th 7PM

You’re a lefty living in a right hander’s world…
At Black Bear Lodge,
we know what it’s like to smear your ink and sit in a backwards desk!
So, on Thursday, August 13th we’re celebrating National Left Hander’s Day!

Everything’s going to be done the Lefty way for once!
There will be lefty trivia, games, and drink specials only for those who are drinking with their left hand! Righty’s- how long can you last drinking only with your left hand? Come find out and party lefty!

$15 gets you all you can drink Bud and Bud Light drafts from 8pm-11pm!

To RSVP or for more information please log on to http://www.going.com/lefthand or contact WeLoveBars@gmail.com

Black Bear Lodge | 274 Third Avenue | www.bblnyc.com