Have you checked out Riveting Riffs Magazine's Film & Theatre section?

Featuring interviews with award winning film and stage actress Mara New http://www.rivetingriffs.com/mara_new.htm International film, television and theatre star Noel Johansen http://www.rivetingriffs.com/noel_johansen.htm Reviews of the stage presentation of Jocasta http://www.rivetingriffs.com/jocasta.htm and the one woman production of Pitch Blond based on the life of Academy Award winning actress Judy Holliday http://www.rivetingriffs.com/pitch_blond.htm This and much more is available for free for you to read by following the links or going to our main page www.rivetingriffs.com If you are starring in, directing or producing a film, play or musical and it meets our content standards (all ages friendly) drop us a line, you never know we may be interested. rivetingriffs@rivetingriffs.com

Last edited by rivetingriffs; 04/05/09 03:59 PM.