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by Gary E. Andrews - 02/10/25 09:52 PM
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Last Weekend's Top Movie: "The Day The Earth Stood Still" took in $30.5 Mil to claim the Top Spot..though overall the Box Office was "down 46 per cent from the comparable weekend a year ago." So..not TOO much to celebrate in Tinseltown..but the "Top Flick" hit me as a bit of a surprise, as "4 Christmases" dropped to Second Place.
Because..the Top Flick's a Re-Make of a classic 1951 Sci-Fi Movie which..thanks to cheap Late Nite TV Movies, I've seen the B&W "Original". Pretty Cheesy by Today's Standards...but Spooky-Enough to be a Drive-In-Theater Hit.
The New Version, complete with Monotonal Keanu Reeves as the New Alien, Old Name ("Klaatu")..does a good Homage to his 1951 Ancestor. And yeah, the Special Effects ARE on the Incredible Side, tho JMO a Tad-Shy of Reeves' MATRIX Flicks.
Klaatu's Indefatigable Robotic-Sidekick "Gort" has grown Several-Stories-Taller, I think, since 1951...and the Scientific Explanation of its fabrication has come Of-Age too: it's now "biotic"..Metal-mixed-with-DNA..that can morph into even-nastier-forms...(as you'll eventually see in The Last Reel...)
Director Scott Derrickson & Writers David Scarpa & ('51's) Edmund H. North have appended-on a "Cute Kid" this time around, Will Smith's Son, Jaden, as "Jacob Benson." Backstory's updated a bit too, with Benson's mom, Jennifer Connelly as "Helen", a DNA Specialist/Professor/Newly-Widowed..getting called-in mysteriously & Black-Unmarked-SUV'ed-off to investigate a Spaceship which has..(like the Original Story) landed in NYC's Central Park. The Alien emerges & gets nailed by a trigger-happy GI, but not before it somehow "bonds" with Helen.
The Bond continues, with a nice Supporting Cast-boost by Kathy Bates, as Regina Jackson..a brass-tacks/by-the-book National Security Advisor..pushing things along. Things get worse for Earth's fate as our military tosses its best at The Invaders..(& of course, fails)..& Klaatu has to make a last-minute decision on eliminating US to make this planet safe..for all the OTHER Species.
It's fun to watch how "The Message" has changed from Anti-War (in The Original) to "Go Green..or Die" in The Re-Make. As Entertainment, it's about a "5 1/2-Outta-10", maybe higher if you like "Cute Kids" hoggin' the re-shaped Plotline. It's NOT as "boring" as many a critic's so-far described it, but it's not the Most-Exciting either...since "being visited by hostile aliens" doesn't scare us as much today as it did back in 1951. (Some of the Aliens Bag-of-Tricks WE have today...like Hypersound being used to incapacitate Troops..as Reeves makes an Escape.)
No Matter, True-to-Form, they're STILL Surrounding the Spacecraft with Army Tanks & ignorant trigger-happy soldiers. (Some things never change..Gulp!) I'm glad "The Day The Earth Stood Still" has been re-made; hope the Younger Audience comes away with "The Message"...'cuz ya never know, maybe Someday we WILL get-visited.
JMO..Keep-or-Sweep-it~ Big Hugs, Stan
Last edited by "TampaStan" Good; 12/17/08 02:05 PM.
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Thanks, Stan. From the sound of it, I think I'll avoid it (I'd be waiting for it to come out on video anyway, 'cause I'm waydam cheap). I like the original--and I think Klaatu's original "stop fighting" message is still applicable, and doesn't need to be perverted to global warming.
About the only re-make I ever thought was better than the original was "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." And I still think the original of that one was very good.
If I want to encourage originality in the film industry (and I believe they need some), the best I can do is vote with my feet and refuse to pay any money for sequels or re-makes. I doubt the film industry is paying any attention, but at least I've salved my conscience.
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I saw this in IMAX locally.
What I disliked about this one is that he never got the opportunity to address the United Nations and deliver a clear heart-wrenching message about the environment.
I didn't think it had the necessary closure and I was left wanting.
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HiDee Joe!
I allus keep-in-mind that Hollywood is In Business to make a Buck for Their Investors & STAY in the Movie Business.
A Re-Make's WAY-Safer than a New Idea...IF it's a Successful Flick you're Re-Making. Kinda "TELLS" on 'em if they have to go all the way BACK to the '50's to harvest stuff TO remake...heh!
ALL the Critics are having Great Fun with Kenau Reeves' Acting Ability/Delivery....sayin' he's Just PERFECT as "The Alien"...heh!
Not Bad..Not Great...BUT...they DID come up with last weekend's Number ONE-Attended New Movie!
Best Wishes, Amigo! Big Guy-Hug, Stan
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HiYa Bro Danny!
I always figured it those dern Aliens were SO Smart, why didn't they just insert a PEACEFUL Gene into our DNA & Get the Heck away from here? (The Bonabos Monkeys, our closest Cousins, ALREADY seem to HAVE it.)
I don't remember that Alien Catch-Phrase.."Barut Narada Somethingorother Nectu" bein' uttered, either, when Reeves emerged from his Spacecraft. (A Classic Movie Line left Undiscovered by The New Generation, alas!)
Anyways..if ya wanna REALLY get scared, see Sigorny Weaver in "Alien" (The First One)....that one had REAL Bite..in spades! (I allus wondered WHY her Cat didn't come back for..The Sequil!)
Closures are a Bitch, eh, Bro?
Thanks for your Kind Visit & Heartfelt Words, Amigo! I feel your pain!
Big Guy-Hug, Ol' Lost in the Asteroids Stan
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I loved the first Alien and I hate horror movies, but that one was done right.
Some things just can't be improved on!
Ya don't tug on Superman's cape Ya don't spit into the wind. Ya don't pull the mask of the old lone ranger, and ya dont remake perfection!
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Hi Again, Bro!
I've yet to see The Rocky Horror Flick...(Alas!). I guess 'cuz I've no fascination with the Gay/Transvestite Lifestyles..tho I love their Humor & ability to transcend Discrimination.
&..I guess since that Show's become An EVENT..it really OUGHTA be left alone! WOULD be fun to Review...(But there are already so many "Experts" at it..I'd dread taking a stab at a 1-visit-Review!)
Been inside a Gay Bar exactly Twice this lifetime...first time, Mid-Afternoon..to deliver an antique Light Fixture I'd sold to Tampa's "Goya" Nightclub..BIG place on 7th Ave in Ybor City. Not much Clientele that time of day...hadda deliver it Downstairs..where there was a Separate Leather Bar...(I assume for the VERY Macho..heh!) Second Time...back when we had Songwriter's Nite at The Ol' Ritz Theater..& I wuz Cheatin' a Wee-Bit..that night's groupie decided The Goya's Dancefloor'd be a Turn-On. It was..we were among the FEW Heterosexuals in the whole place...& you almost needed a knife to cut thru the Hormones.
I never Have "Messed around with Jim"....tho! ;-)> DID review "Brokeback Mountain" a while back ago...
Waal...guess I'll admit to wantin' to review "MILK" this weekend. We'll see!
Best Wishes & Thanks for Commentin', Big (Lived in Europe 5 years) Guy-Hug, Stan
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Stan, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was not "about" Transvestites. Its just that the lead character happens to be one. RHPS is a spoof. It uses classic science fiction themes and a great Rock Soundtrack to make fun of everything we were afraid of in 1970: Cross-dressing, motorcycle gangs, genetic engineering, bisexuality, incest, hedonism, aliens, cannibalism, cults, loss of innocence, etc. Not only is it a fun romp, but some great use of unusual hooks, lyrical phrasing, and great cord progressions.
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Danny, that's a great summation of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." And good reasons why a sequel would likely not work. (I'd expect the movie industry to do it anyway, because they lack imagination as well as understanding, and will simply perceive that the movie is popular. But one of the reasons it's a "cult classic" is we have outgrown most of those fears.)
The challenge for the movie industry *today* would be to do a tongue-in-cheeky of all the stuff people are afraid of *today*, not 30 years ago. I have a feeling they won't--or can't--do it.
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Joe, They aren't trying to make a sequel. They are trying to remake the original!
As you can see, I'm not exactly shivering with anticip-ation.
Richard O'Brien, who originally wrote RHPS attempted to make lightning strike twice with a sequal called Shock Treatment. Epic Fail!
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Little Question Guys...
Is it out on Video?
I'd kinda hesitate seeing it with a Full Crowd performin' Side-by-Side with The Screen..since that'd be rather-distractive, me bein' an UnInitie-ate & All.
But it IS soundin' Rather Interestin'!
Thanks, Amigos..for arousin' My Curiosity.!
Big Guys-Hug, Stan
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Stan, it's not only out on video (and occasionally in the 3-for-$5 bin at the Blockbuster), but it shows up regularly on late-night TV. That's where I saw it. My daughter saw it in the theater, but I wasn't going to go there--those things are like a gigantic toga party.
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The TV version, even if its on cable is usually edited. I don't know about a Toga party, but its definitely a costume party. In the theatres they usually have a pre-show including: Meatloaf's Paradise By The Dashboard Light http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0ns8t9iQckand Tim Curry's Paradise Garage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIgGrzQVK3g
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Of course, if you watch RHPS at home, you miss the audience partici.....pation, which is the biggest part of the experience.
As far as "The Day the Earth Stood Still" goes, the original is one of my fifteen-year-old daughter's favorite movies, but she refuses to see this remake. I think she is afraid that a bad remake will ruin her perception of the original.
Caitlin must be a very old soul. Her three favorite movies are "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "To Kill a Mockingbird", and Robert Altman's "M*A*S*H". Very unusual choices for someone her age.
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Thanks for The Update Guys...I'll rent it one day & toss JMO atchas. (Think maybe I'm gettin' Too-Elderly for The Toga Party, tho it does sound like Major Fun.)
Kevin, sounds like ya might've Raised Her Right!
I don't think this'd change her perception of The Original. Both carry fairly-Important (though Differing) "Messages"/maybe if either "Make People Think" the planet'll have an Even-Better Chance of making Serious Changes-for-the-Future-Improvement of how we live here.
Thanks for Your Visit, Amigo(s)...guess I should review More Sci-Fi Flicks, eh? ;-)>
Big Guy-Hugs, Stan
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I did see a trailer for the new "Day" movie, and it sure does have a lot of special effects. I think I'll stick to my earlier decision to pass. One of the things that impressed me about the old sci-fi turkeys was the ability to squeeze an Important Moral out of things like Joan Collins being chased by giant ants. I very much fear we have lost that.
And Kevin, I agree. Your daughter was raised right. Very good taste, there. (Mine, alas, was probably spoiled by seeing Joan Collins chased by giant ants one too many times.)
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Thank you both, Stan and Joe.
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I did see a trailer for the new "Day" movie, and it sure does have a lot of special effects. I think I'll stick to my earlier decision to pass. One of the things that impressed me about the old sci-fi turkeys was the ability to squeeze an Important Moral out of things like Joan Collins being chased by giant ants. I very much fear we have lost that.
And Kevin, I agree. Your daughter was raised right. Very good taste, there. (Mine, alas, was probably spoiled by seeing Joan Collins chased by giant ants one too many times.)
joe You're right Joe. The morals are what made them memorable. People forget that every episode of the original Star Trek was also a morality play. Joan Collins was in that too. (I was spoiled watching green Orion slave women!) Kevin, I'm going to guess you have a very empathic daughter.
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This Has Been Great Fun, Guys! I'll for-sure review more SciFi in da Future!
Son Chris brought home "The House Bunny" on DVD...I managed to doze-off after the Nude Scene/missed 90% of the Flick...taking a LOT of Kidding for that...so guess it's not gonna get reviewed by Moi this year..if ever.
Back to Reality..Thanks for Phonin'-In, Gents!
Season's Best to Allayas, Stan
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AACCKKK!!!!!!....I was on a cross country trip from hell back around '77 when "Empire of the Ants" came out. While stranded in the middle of North Dakota for three days for car repairs, our only source of entertainment was the 1 movie theater. & yeap, we watched Empire three nights in a row...the first time sober...It got better by the third third time... And later, when "The Empire Strikes Back" I was almost afraid to go see it because I had visions of Joan showing up and telling Luke..."And I'm your mother".... I repeat....AAACCCKKKK!!!!! Midnite ... Joan Collins being chased by giant ants...
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Midnite, I think you underscored my point. Those old movies had something that stayed with you (unprintable, perhaps, but definitely durable). 30 years from now, will anybody remember this Keanu Reeves movie? I doubt it. They'll probably remember the original Klaatu, though.
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Hmmm...actually, Joe, I think IF you see the Latest Version...in COLOR..with really GOOD Special Effects..I think ya WILL remember it.
I well-remember Percy Sledge's "When a Man Loves a Woman". Also remember Michael Bolton's Version of it, too. Each had a Good Hit with it, & while I like (& prefer) the Raw Power of Sledge's "Original", Bolton's "Re-Make" isn't hard to listen-to either.
Back to the Movie: There's, for instance, a scene in which a Football Stadium's DEVOURED by a rampage of killer-robotic-insects..(that's ONLY in the Latest Version)...&..frankly..I'd wager it'll stay witcha probably Forever...just like those NYC Towers in the 9-11 footage seen-on-TV. (The New-Improved "Gort" is as-mean, perhaps even-FAR-meaner..than His Predecessor, who mostly-scared-us with a Laser Beam Vision, best I can recall..)(Which has Kids of Today goin' "Yawn"...heh!)
Tom Cruise's remake of "War of The Worlds" was pretty Good Stuff, too...best I recollect. Color..(& Major Budgets)..don't hurt a Sci-Fi Flick in the least.
One that Fascinated Me in-its-day was "This Island Earth"...Anyone Remember that one? (The Aircraft in it were VERY much like Stealth Fighters of today--THAT I remember, & it's probably been 40-50 years since I viewed it.) (WAS in Color, too...a rarity at the time.)
All-Time Sci-Fi Fave: Blade Runner.
Back to my Egg-Nog Diet, Season's Best Amigos, Stan
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The original was and is one of my favorite movies to date. It was just so magical for me when I first saw it, being really young, when it aired on TV in the late fifties. I'm not crazy for computer graphics instead of building everything.
But, the main reason, for me, I feel it would be like a new group that comes out calling themselves "The Beatles". And because everything is done with pro tools, I'm supposed to stand in line and be excited about it.
I already saw The Day The Earth Stood Still. Give me something else, maybe loosely based on that premise.
Lets also go see the new "Chuck Berry" while we're at it, or the new "Wizard Of Oz"! How about "Ben Hur"? Maybe they have the latest fighter aircrafts go round in circles fighting, instead of chariots! Give me a break!
Just a studio trying to make money with current dating attempts of a past treasure. Not interested.
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Tom Cruise's remake of "War of The Worlds" was pretty Good Stuff, too...best I recollect. Color..(& Major Budgets)..don't hurt a Sci-Fi Flick in the least.
You have to admit that the "War of the Worlds" remake was more realistic than the original. After all, who wouldn't believe that aliens would want to travel billions of miles in an attempt to kill Tom Cruise?
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Remember, though, the original "War of the Worlds" was not a movie--it was a radio play. The 1960 movie was a re-make of the radio play--which (my opinion) wasn't near as good as the original.
I can understand wanting to travel faster than the speed of light to knock off Tom Cruise, but to travel any distance? Nah. Not worth it.
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My favorite version of War of the Worlds is still the Musical by Jeff Wayne. Composed 30 years ago and it still holds up beautifully.
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Good to see some activity on here finally. I hope you guys will continue to chime in on the movies reviewed here!
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Hey John...I totally Understand YOUR Contentment-With and Preference FOR the "Original" Idea/Movie/Music.
But...Producers re-do these Classics to hit a New/Younger Audience. &..I doubt OUR Generation enjoyed Our PARENTS' Version of "Puttin' On The Ritz"...BUT we sure danced to FALCO's Version of That Ol' Hit when it came out. (Tho I'm sure Our Parents Squirmed when THEY heard it..which..heh..WAS part of its "Charm"...)
50 Years is a Decent Interval between "Updatings"...JMO. &.."New" versions of The Beatles sprang up even WHILE they were big (as in "The Monkees")...&...weren't ALL that bad/People Bought It.
Yep, the Original of Something..when Done-Right..deserves to be called "A Masterpiece". MOST later-Versions will never get That Accolade..yet their Ability to speak to a Younger Audience (that might just IGNORE The Original) remains a "Plus"..as the Box Office take on This Flick just proved.
And...heh..the Remake's Profits can sometimes be more "Super-Duper" than the Originals...which never originally had the ability to make DVDs & hawk-'em soon-after the Screenings shut down. So in Hollywood Terms...the Remakes CAN be Bigger than The Originals...
Gotta Scoot..La Femme's in a Flea-Marketing Mood... Best Wishes, Stan
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