Hey folks!

I'm glad 2007 with its trials, tribulations and distractions is over. I'm planning on getting back to writing, recording and performing much more regularly this year and so....

My first new project is debuting this Saturday, January 5th at 6 pm at Bishops Lounge in Northampton. I'll be primarily on bass with Bruce Mandaro on guitar and Jim Walsh behind the drums. Come check it out and you can help us name the band (yes, this is that new - we don't have a name yet!) A mix of original tunes (all three of us write) and some fun bar room covers. This should become a regular Saturday slot for us with some fun guest additions along the way. (Drop me a line if you'd like to be a fun guest for a night)

A makeover of the website at http://www.martyhelly.com is in progress. Feel free to check it out.

Happy 2008!! Hope to see you soon.


Marty my home

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again!