Experimenting with udio today. Happy Saturday!
I like the different non commercial jazzy sound. seems udio is better w this kind of thing ? I made it 2 min so music not rushed and time for instrumental part. complete w fairy art (lol).

https://www.udio.com/songs/nUxZUx7d3CQnP2ALxzeRZv 2m version
https://www.udio.com/songs/e1VtKVJE2HS3ETc9fpdnEd 30sec version

After the storm
I had to survive
A river of sorrow
A frightening tide
Are there any survivors
In this time of want
Gotta stay floating
With a bottomless boat

Choking on my heartbreak
Giving up my ghost

I saw you
On the shore
For me to see
You've thrown a life-line to me.

Last edited by Bill Draper; 09/07/24 02:09 PM.