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by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 299
Top 500 Poster
Top 500 Poster
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 299 |
I had died and gone to heaven in a dream I had one night And everyone I ever loved was seated there In a circle with the stars there was only one guitar So we had to pass it around and try to share It had twelve golden strings and none of us had wings We were enraptured by Glories everywhere Each would get to sing one song — it couldn't be too long So we had to choose the song we sang with care
I'm waiting in the wings wondering what song to sing Who among us has not rehearsed for Eternity? Would creation not be blessed if I offered a request? Should I dare to ask God to name a favorite melody? God must have hid chagrin hearing "Dust in the Wind" Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door" had us floored Ringo Starr kept the beat rolling thunder ‘neath his feet "Imagine" John after George played "My Sweet Lord" Hank Williams beamed so bright with, "I Saw the Light" And "Tears in Heaven" nearly blew us all away "Stairway to Heaven" sounded fine; "Hallelujah,” divine. Some were a day late when Paul sang "Yesterday"
I'm waiting in the wings wondering what song to sing Who among us has not rehearsed for Eternity? Would creation not be blessed if I offered a request? Should I dare to ask God to name a favorite melody?
Someone in the wings said, "Let's hear one from the King" Michael Jackson and Elvis both jumped to their feet "Since I'm the King of Kings I command you both to sing" Their duet on "How Great Thou Art" could not be beat "How about one from the Queen?" Up stood seventeen! So Madonna did a rendition of "American Pie"... Then God asked Madonna why she chose that particular song And ”Buddy Holly said, 'Up here the music never dies.'" Buddy Holly Interjected “Up Here the Music never dies.”
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