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by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
Joined: Aug 2007
Posts: 4,827 Likes: 47
Top 50 Poster
Top 50 Poster
Joined: Aug 2007
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Joined: Apr 2001
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Top 10 Poster
Joined: Apr 2001
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Lawsuits are so expensive and music has been copied and recopied so long that without corporate deep pockets and tons of money to be gained, it is almost not even worth pursuing. Someone like Kiss will sue, but Joe 6 Pack can't ever really protect their work from theft and frankly never could. The terror so many newbies have over fear of song theft has always been ridiculous when it comes to music/melodies. Lyrics are a tiny bit easier at least it is plain to see the words were copied or they weren't, but you must prove they were likely accessible and way more money has been wasted protecting useless songs you couldn't give away than money made from all lawsuits, including huge successful ones, ever made back. It is a scam in my view. But now legal system is simply too stacked in favor of major corporations and uber wealthy. The judicial system exists to protect Elites from poor people, not the other way around like people think.
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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"Sometimes, the best thing you can say, isn't the easiest thing" -Brian Austin Whitney