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by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 8,173 Likes: 5
Top 25 Poster
Top 25 Poster
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 8,173 Likes: 5 |
It’s Not Supposed to be This Way ©2024 Robert George
Every day, the news is still the same One more victim, one more crime, and one more vandal Or another loner seeking fame And a weeping crowd who’s holding candles
But It’s not supposed to be this way And that’s what some don’t see No, it’s not supposed to be this way And some day, it won’t be
People’s hearts are starved for light and hope And they grope for ways to know for certain We can lift our heads and learn to cope Faith will clear the clouds and part the curtains
Cos It’s not supposed to be this way And that’s what some don’t see No, it’s not supposed to be this way It’s not supposed to be this way And some day, it won’t be
O one day soon We will feel relief I know in whom I believe
It’s not supposed to be this way And that’s what some don’t see No, it’s not supposed to be this way It’s not supposed to be this way And some day, it won’t be
Some day, it won’t be…
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 11,575 Likes: 31
Top 10 Poster
Top 10 Poster
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 11,575 Likes: 31 |
Different lyric from you Couch....heart wrenching with your faith on your sleeve...
If writing ever becomes work I think I'm going to have to stop
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