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Its acoustic guitar , Indian Flute and Nashville steel player . Liner notes , your right. Gives me something to do , besides cowboy songs , messing around on the guitar .Do some more study , to get more movements going on to reslove back to the one , OR NOT. You can use every chord in every key really , along as it comes back around , or something like . you have to be a rocket scientist to get all theory. Tommy's capoed up , he has to know where to go , Not easy . You can't hide behind drums ect , its all right there
This is really nice Elvis...and you know I'm a big fan of the flute...love the feel of it all Steve
Last edited by VNORTH2; 08/04/2409:17 AM.
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Why I used it , cuz of you , enough violin songs , good idea man. Them top guys like Tommy , blow me out of the water like the Titanic , But it fun trying to come up with something.
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