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The world’s nations are being strangled by an ever-growing web of laws and regulations. It gets harder and harder to do anything without Big Brother’s costly intervention. Productivity is held back just when we need it to increase. Quality of life is taking a major hit. There are multiple reasons for this dramatic increase in government overwatch.
First, new and sometimes dangerous technologies are leaping into existence at every turn. They need legal guardrails. Yet these complex new laws must be written and voted on by nonspecialists. This makes politicians ever more dependent on experts, and experts tend to come with an agenda. While legislators are tasked with writing laws, the real work often falls to members of industry, ecology groups, or other special interests.
Nevertheless, even long laws tend to be too vague. The Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” is about a thousand pages long. Supporting regulations brought that up to at least 10,000 pages, and some sources say as much as 40,000. Lawmakers wrote 1,000 pages and regulators added tens of thousands more. And for us, all of it amounts to law.
This gives unelected bureaucrats enormous power. And, more and more, the world’s government bureaucracies have come to be run by extremists and activists — people drawn to an area of government because of their great passion regarding that subject. This gives extremists and activists enormous levels of control over countries and their people. Activists, perhaps nobly motivated, want to “change the world.” Too often, that means they want to run everyone else’s lives. So, government intervention grows to ridiculous levels.
But there is another, even more deadly reason for increased government — declining moral standards. As individual’s lose their grasp of ancient verities such as honor, love, and compassion, government tries to compensate. They do this in order to keep society from falling into the abyss. At the end of 2011 (the last year for which I could find numbers), the National Conference of State Legislatures put out a press release stating that US states and territories passed more than 40,000 bills and resolutions into law that year. Even though some of the resolutions are merely ceremonial, that’s still an overwhelming number of laws, and it does not include counties, cities, or the federal government.
At the same time, we have District Attorneys who refuse to consistently prosecute crimes. They seem to want fewer people in jail, and a smaller police presence in our communities. But they are creating cities where crime runs amuck. Violence spills into the streets and seeps into homes. People are afraid in neighborhoods they once considered safe. Activist DAs may want fewer police, but their actions are already beginning to have the opposite effect.
When crime is allowed to pay, the people become afraid. With enough fear, people stop worrying about their rights. They put safety ahead of everything. According to the Bible, “peace and safety” will be the primary issues of the last days. When chaos and fear rise like the flood waters of a mighty tsunami, people begin to cry, “Peace and safety… anything for peace and safety.”
“Peace and safety” will one day be the mantra of Antichrist. It all begins with a societal embrace of sin and depravity that paints police as the enemy. It ends in an Antichrist-run police state where laws are not written on human hearts but forced on people from the outside. The loss of personal morals in the populace inevitably leads to increased government control, and the destruction of human rights and human dignity.
We do not look at these things to evoke fear. Instead, we should see them as signposts. Our destination is getting closer. We don’t know when the Lord is coming, but we see the signs He told us to look for. As Christians, we are not to join the fear and the chaos, but to be “salt” (a preserving agent) and “light” in the world.
In all this, remember what Jesus said in Luke 12:32. “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
Yes i went thru that stage like Dylan, it was about 1985 and 2nd divorce. Homeless with a truck, guitar and 3 pairs of Mexican jeans and tapes of Jesus , lovely times . I've been in the army and worked on a farm , all I got to show is the muscle in my arm. Even if you lived in cave in the Himmalys , you know who Jesus is .
“John Prine was a sweet and lovely man, and I was proud to count him as my friend,” he said during his DJ set on SirusXM’s E Street Radio. “He wrote music of towering compassion with an almost unheard of precision and creativity when it came to observing the fine details of ordinary lives. He was a writer of great humor, funny, with wry sensitivity. It has marked him as a complete original.”
“His death just makes me angry,” he continued. “He was simply one of the best we had, and we will miss him.” He then played his 1971 classic “Angel From Montgomery.”
Why yes that\s true , the bible is a joke. But john did the lost years idea pretty well. I won't offend you Tony on my comedy central on religion. Well I can't help myself.. snakes, apples and women.
Why yes that\s true , the bible is a joke. But john did the lost years idea pretty well. I won't offend you Tony on my comedy central on religion. Well I can't help myself.. snakes, apples and women.
Yeah', I'm guilty of a little "ribbing" myself now and then lol... But, it's those "obsessive" types that really get aggravating
Naked people and talking snakes... There's a song!
Right... then Walmart sprang up for Eve. This Clear Lake Oaks Calif where I live now , Reminds me of a Trump rally that went horrible wrong , but folks are nice in small towns and the fishing is good .
Right... then Walmart sprang up for Eve. This Clear Lake Oaks Calif where I live now , Reminds me of a Trump rally that went horrible wrong , but folks are nice in small towns and the fishing is good .
Well... just don't ever let them hear you blame God, and be sure to share your catch with your neighbors occasionally, Elvis. Don't worry, you'll fit right in
Caught one 12lb's at 4':30 am today , Buddy ate it , Naw I'm not slamming God, Not much money in that. Oh I fit in anywhere . I'm surprised PGE or electric bill is only $118.00 on running Air-con all month in this one horse town , Usually it's 1000.s . There are a major exspense like Toll bridges on 100 year bridges at 9 bucks to cross them. Who's mansion am I building ? California you need at loan at birth to live here. I'm sure the grandpa election, will change that . their debate came off like Little house on the prairie , Who do want one who belongs in a rest home or a mental institution ? Great choice Harvard boys.
1 Corinthians 1;18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written,
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.”
Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
I discipline my mind with wisdom, and consider all things that have been done under heaven by men. It is a miserable contemplation that God has given the sons of mankind to trouble themselves with. I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vain futility... like chasing the wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened, and what is diminished cannot be counted as righteousness.
Yes we raped maimed stole killed and pushed upon blue eyed Jesus by pedophile priests on indians , And just to keep up with the racist tradition we also did the same to African Americans . So Happy forth of July ( whitey ), Will see you in our casinos . Yes you go on a Indian reservation with your scripture, I'm sure they'd love your company .
Yes we raped maimed stole killed and pushed upon blue eyed Jesus by pedophile priests on indians , And just to keep up with the racist tradition we also did the same to African Americans . So Happy forth of July ( whitey ), Will see you in our casinos . Yes you go on a Indian reservation with your scripture, I'm sure they'd love your company .
Yep', since Cain and Abel; And they spoke with God directly.
oh I'm fishing Tony , Just observations , I do that alot. Its push and shove with me on the real history of the U.S and religion. I live by Indian reservations now . I look over the landscape and wonder how it was like before whitey took over, as American flags fly . sink back into reality .
Correct : But our debate was on Christians and forming or better yet stealing a nation. Never saw a scripture , Thou shall steal a country and kill Indians. They had they're own God , they did not need murderous Christians and their bible .Which could be just a fairytale with imagery friends . Perhaps once the world disposes of religions, We can be civilized people, and know its on us to survive , not a invisible man in the sky . With his stories of blood wars and mayhem. The Bible reads like a Steven King novel. Of course just observations .
I don't read Steven King or the Bible , They're about the same . like I said , Just observations. Both books inject fear . We can go all day long , were not going to agree. How about something to break the mood . My wife went to asia for 3 weeks , She has cameras to see if I don't burn the house down , All wi-fi . So I'm sitting here , I see you . if you keep leaving the stove on , I'm sticking you in a Veterans Home , Empty threats
This guy that works at a gas station asked me how old am I ? I told him 70 gonna be 71 next month , He asked me have you ever had any ruff spots ? I laughed and said yeah about a million of them . Does it ever get any better ? Well you solve one problem and get by another . Either God or sunshine , however you want to put it , Gets thru one jam as you wait for another . He's about 35 with (6) kids. So yeah hopefully we fly away one day. i think George Carlin believed in God . He just made jokes on all the bullshit . So here's this guy broke little education and 6 kids and we have Elon Musk . Something went wrong in the gene pool .
Harry Nilsson had a problem with religion . Tragic story... dies from to much partying . The desk is basically God .
"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”"
Israel’s attack on Hezbollah shocked the world. Why? Both the US State Department and the United Nations seemed appalled that Israel would attack an enemy that has fired close to 10,000 missiles at its citizens since October 7th of last year. What’s surprising about that? Do they think Jews should gently acquiesce when led from ghettos to gas chambers? Should the world’s only Jewish state be the one nation not allowed to defend itself? Such thinking is distorted, bizarre, and bigoted. It is antisemitic to the core.
Much of the world considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. It has carried out attacks on Israel since it was founded by Iran in 1992. Those attacks increased over the last year, mostly as an aid to Hamas and its terror war on Israel. Every time Israel does anything to slow down the ongoing attacks against itself, news reports include something like this. “Experts fear this could lead to a wider war in the Middle East.” But the view from Israel is that it is already in the bullseye of a regional war.
The Hamas war on Israel has been ongoing for decades. According to its own charter, Hamas was formed for the purpose of destroying Israel. Until recently, it controlled Gaza. Because billionaire Hamas leaders regularly diverted global aid into their own pockets, Gaza remained one of the poorest regions on earth. The poverty Hamas leaders caused led to more aid for Gaza — and more graft for Hamas leaders.
Gaza borders Israel, the Mediterranean Sea, and Egypt. By sea and from Egypt, Hamas was able to bring terror supplies into Gaza with which to attack Israel. Until recently, it had a vast tunnel system for moving terror supplies into the area and into Israel. They put all this into motion on October 7th of last year.
From the south, Houthis continue to fire sophisticated, long-range Iranian ballistic missiles — at Israel and at American Navy ships. The Houthis are a Shiite Muslim terror group working in Yemen which sits at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.
From the immediate east, Israel contends daily with the Palestinian Authority which governs Judea and Samaria (an area often known as the West Bank). This organization teaches terrorism as a way of life to their young, and they reward terrorists and the families of “martyrs” with handsome lifetime financial rewards.
From further east, Iraq’s Shia militias continue to aid Iran’s regional war on Israel. To Israel’s northeast, we find Syria’s illegitimate government — a place of Iranian arms manufacturing and a platform for direct attacks on Israel. And then we come to Hezbollah in Lebanon. It and its thousands of missiles stand directly north of Israel.
Each of these groups is funded and directed by the nation of Iran. Together, they encompass much of the region around Israel — east, west, north, and south. From Israel’s point of view, a wider war started long ago and has become intolerable over the last year. They are fighting back. They would be wrong not to. Like all people everywhere, they have a right to their land and homes. And they have an obligation to protect their young.
We call them Jews. In Joel 3:2, Jeremiah 50:6, and elsewhere, God calls them “My people.” He is not finished with them. The Bible tells us they have an amazing future. Today, may all who are called by His name, stand together with those He still calls His own. ------------------------------------------------------------
Iran is about to get their stupid asses kicked!
However... Prophecy speaks of a 7 year peace treaty... which will be broken after 3 1/2 years. Then, the kings of the North and the East (Russia/China) will join the fight against Israel.
How did a bunch of ignorant Hebrew sheep herders know this thousands of years ago?
Interesting times... If you're a Conservative Christian lol
Didn't Hal Linsley star in that tv show about cops ? Well we like fairy tales , keeps us amused . The Jerry Sienfield wars I guess . Barney Miller , that cop show . comedy central is always best thinking about whores riding lions .
Didn't Hal Linsley star in that tv show about cops ? Well we like fairy tales , keeps us amused . The Jerry Sienfield wars I guess . Barney Miller , that cop show . comedy central is always best thinking about whores riding lions .
Nah, that was Hal Linden,,,he's a pro artist...Hal Lindsey is a con artist
Last edited by VNORTH2; 10/04/2409:23 AM.
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Ok , close enough I guess , Who knows on all the religion jazz V. It's a bit over dramatic at my age , blood... wars... blah blah blah.
I don't like 2 words the "The World "., like it's some horrible place . that is some biblical brainwashing . My world is pretty normal . Write songs , be married, pay bills. fish. Ai does not scare me at all , pissed off wife's do , Usually bribery takes care of that .Basically legalized prostitution. Well that's a bit harsh , Don't say that to them . I'm not pussy wipped , Well you can say that to them . Comedy central , usually starts at dawn . Maybe the prostate is connected to our souls , Hard to say .
I wake up birds are singing , Only on FOX news and scare tactics is the world coming to an end . You're always going to have cavemen and their 3-year old tantrum wars . not to say Jesus might come back one day , only God knows that . if your not of this bad world , why would we even be concerned with it ? elections and religions ? Stay busy Jesus is coming lol
Congratulations, Elvis... You are the personification of willful blissful ignorance. I've never been able to close my eyes and pretend that reality doesn't apply to me.
In 2010 the world obviously had more time... there was still an inkling of hope and optimism.
Today, all that's left are the consequences of yesterday's lies.
My God is a mighty God , I can do anything . I don't live day by day on negative bs. I could care less how this world spins . I could care less on election Tony , your all caught up in the down -fall of mankind. a lot of great things are going on .
My God is a mighty God , I can do anything . I don't live day by day on negative bs. I could care less how this world spins . I could care less on election Tony , your all caught up in the down -fall of mankind. a lot of great things are going on .
I've been doing this online for more than 20yrs now... I have nothing left but hatred to show for my effort.
Seriously, Elvis... What do you want me to say?
Originally Posted by JAPOV
Today, all that's left are the consequences of yesterday's lies.
You and whoever your god is should just go enjoy yourselves...
I don't know Tony is not dead . a whole lotta life to live , A whole lotta love to give. I don't hate you , that nuts my friend . Comedy central is all at 71-years old , So Jesus what's up with the snake and Walmart ? Elvis you go talk with Carlin on cloud 413. You can't miss it... hang a left at Richard Pryor's cloud . if you hurry a buffet starts at 11 am . Golden Roads Cafe . We have time shares in hell as a door prize . Buy Now !!! . Yes that's AI as the Devil , fake news . We always capitalize Jesus , God and the Devil . is that John Prine smoking a 9 foot cigarette ? yes he does dinner shows on Sunday only .
Well Tony, "If you want the rainbow of Jesus , ya gotta climb thru the mud muddles with the Devil" . Holy Ghost Shovels .
I don't know Tony is not dead . a whole lotta life to live , A whole lotta love to give. I don't hate you , that nuts my friend . Comedy central is all at 71-years old , So Jesus what's up with the snake and Walmart ? Elvis you go talk with Carlin on cloud 413. You can't miss it... hang a left at Richard Pryor's cloud . if you hurry a buffet starts at 11 am . Golden Roads Cafe . We have time shares in hell as a door prize . Buy Now !!! . Yes that's AI as the Devil , fake news . We always capitalize Jesus , God and the Devil . is that John Prine smoking a 9 foot cigarette ? yes he does dinner shows on Sunday only .
Well Tony, "If you want the rainbow of Jesus , ya gotta climb thru the mud muddles with the Devil" . Holy Ghost Shovels .
Oh... So, I'm just the idiot who doesn't get the joke?
Originally Posted by JAPOV
Seriously, Elvis... What do you want me to say?
Why can't you just be honest and answer the question?
Again, after more than 20yrs of this $h!t online, do you really think nobody ever expected me to give up?
Do you think I ever actually enjoyed this?
You're right, Elvis... My name is Anthony and that will never change; Nor will my faith, my political ideology, or my inspiration for writing.
JAPOV never intended to be the scourge of online songwriting sites. I always assumed "Just Another Point Of View" would be the obvious thing everyone has in common. I know I'm not the only Constitutional Conservative Christian in the USA... However, among musicians, EVEN IN FUK'N CHURCH, I have never inspired anything but vehement opposition and disdain.
The irony is, I feel that my integrity has never suffered. I have never tried to fool anybody, I've never presented myself as flawless or above reproach, and my music certainly speaks for itself.
Everyone has a limit.
If JAPOV is such an affront to creative spirits... then let it die. The damage is done, I can no longer endure the mockery. "ODIUM OIDEION" is all I have left.
The signs of the times are lost on the blind Who have eyes but refuse to see Those who have ears but refuse to hear Deny the truth that was given for free
Let the blood rise to the bridles Let them lament what they have done Let the meek reclaim God's gift In the name of the Triumphant Son
The vain and deceitful, the greedy and evil With crowns of gold but feet of clay The lion of Judah, Yeshua, hallelujah Will claim His throne on judgment day
Let the birds feast on their flesh Let their inequity be undone Let the lightning strike in the east And sound the return of the Triumphant Son
Tony You don't share your beliefs with others. You impose your beliefs on others. Songwriting sites such as this are not the road to Corinth. You are not Paul.
It's a songwriting site. Write songs. Be nice to people. Let others believe what they will about THE BIG WHY of it all. If you do that, everything will work out fine for you here and quickly. If you dont it will likely lead to more Poor Poor Me soliloquys. Choose the happier road.
Tony You don't share your beliefs with others. You impose your beliefs on others. Songwriting sites such as this are not the road to Corinth. You are not Paul.
It's a songwriting site. Write songs. Be nice to people. Let others believe what they will about THE BIG WHY of it all. If you do that, everything will work out fine for you here and quickly. If you dont it will likely lead to more Poor Poor Me soliloquys. Choose the happier road.
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney