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This is the first song I wrote and recorded in my new studio in Florida. New software, new equipment, etc. A lot of new things to learn and I do miss a lot of the old stuff I had been using for years. The sound isn't perfect but I hope my new songs in the future will be better and much easier to record. I found the lyrics in the lyric section of this site: https://www.jpfolks.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1193479/wasting-my-time.html#Post1193479 They were written by Carroll Kiphen and I found these lines very inspiring. I hope you like the song.
Nicely done Robert....good interpretation of the lyric ...some BGV would really move it up a notch or two
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Hey Steve, thanks for commenting. I agree with you and Elvis that background vocals could make a big difference. So far, I haven't come up with something that sounded like it fits. I'll keep playing around with the idea.
Hey Tony, thank you for the feedback. I don't have my AI vocalists here (in Florida) in my new studio. It's kind of like DIY again. I'm not a vocalist but in such a recording the listener gets an idea of how the lyrics can go with the underlying melody.
Hey Tony, thank you for the feedback. I don't have my AI vocalists here (in Florida) in my new studio. It's kind of like DIY again. I'm not a vocalist but in such a recording the listener gets an idea of how the lyrics can go with the underlying melody.
Take care Robert
I disagree... We just need to figure out what your voice is suited for
Hi Fdem, I appreciate your feedback. I'm glad you think the song sounds pretty good. The only software I used on this track was my DAW (Logic) but hearing that it sounds a bit like a big hit is a good thing, I think ...
Hi Fdem, I appreciate your feedback. I'm glad you think the song sounds pretty good. The only software I used on this track was my DAW (Logic) but hearing that it sounds a bit like a big hit is a good thing, I think ...
All the best Robert
Lol who is playing the guitar? Playing 30 years I know what one sounds like
I'm not dismissing anything, your using a uu33 sample and prolly don't even know it.
And nothing wrong with it
It's ok look at the ai thread music is going through an identity crisis. Wish ud view me as a supporter not an enemy
Hi Fdem, I'm sorry, but there is no "real" guitar in my recording. I bought a Yamaha Genos 2 and all the sounds (bass, drums, guitars, etc.) that you hear are selectable in that instrument. It's a keyboard, not a guitar. Must be pretty good if even you didn't recognize the difference. I didn't use any additional software or instruments. I recorded each instrument sound to a different Logic track. The Genos 2 is really awesome. What's a uu33 sample? I actually really would like to view you as a supporter.
No, I know there's not a real guitar, but there is a guitar sample playing that part . When you said no, I'm like who's playing guitar. it seemed like you got offended that I said it was a U2 sample. I think I typed the name wrong. U2
What I'm saying is the u2 riff doesn't fit that song well but the idea gets across
Fdem, I sounded offended??? Where did I sound offended? Well, now you know that what you hear isn’t a real guitar. It’s good that we don’t have to discuss that subject any further.
Honestly, I now do have to admit that I find it very annoying that you apparently know much better how I recorded my song than I do. I’ll explain it one last time… I used a Genos 2 keyboard to record all the instrumental tracks in Logic X. 3 of the 8 instrumental tracks I recorded are guitar tracks. I used a folk guitar sound, a 12-string guitar sound and an e-guitar sound on 3 separate tracks and mixed them appropriately. I used the e-guitar only in the riff. I wish I could have used some of the midi samples like I do every now and then, but my new studio is not completely up and running yet. I did not use midi samples in this recording.
Fdem, I sounded offended??? Where did I sound offended? Well, now you know that what you hear isn’t a real guitar. It’s good that we don’t have to discuss that subject any further.
Honestly, I now do have to admit that I find it very annoying that you apparently know much better how I recorded my song than I do. I’ll explain it one last time… I used a Genos 2 keyboard to record all the instrumental tracks in Logic X. 3 of the 8 instrumental tracks I recorded are guitar tracks. I used a folk guitar sound, a 12-string guitar sound and an e-guitar sound on 3 separate tracks and mixed them appropriately. I used the e-guitar only in the riff. I wish I could have used some of the midi samples like I do every now and then, but my new studio is not completely up and running yet. I did not use midi samples in this recording.
Have a nice day.
So I was right you were offended
I simply said that guitar part is a clone of U2.
It doesn't matter how you recorded it, if it's a sample ,whatever argument you wanna bark back with
If you like it that's cool
You can't be told anything. No more input from me again
Fdem, no, you are wrong. I wasn't offended by your initial comments. But your continuous claims that i used sampled software was very annoying. It looks like you see everything differently. And, you didn't "simply" say the riff was a U2 clone. You repeatedly claimed I used some kind of sampled software, which I didn't. Now you claim it doesn't matter how I recorded it. Then why make such a fuss of it in the first place?
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