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Back in 1984, I was visiting a friend in Melbourne who was living with his girlfriend at the time. While sleeping on the sofa, I heard a thump from the next room at about 1am. Grabbing a notepad, the lyrics were written in the dark, later revised to be more 'poetic'. Then, when my old band, Good Question, were recording our first CD in 1992, this was one of the songs we included. However, the song was given a 'reggae' style, but I was never all that happy with the final result. I always thought it would be better with a slower feel and a different style. Several years ago, I finally rewrote the song, including the original backing vocals, and this is the result.
#1 Complaint of industry people listening to a composition they have given permission to submit for their consideration, artist management, publishers, is: Vocal Buried In The Mix. Words have 'Hook Factor' in Hooking listener interest. But they have to be 'heard' and 'comprehended'. The word meanings have to be conveyed from vocalist to listener ears. Words are 'sent'. To qualify as a 'communication' they have to be 'received'.
The production is interesting. The Vocal Melody is too. But I don't know what the words are. If I'm the only one who can't 'hear' it, probably no problem. If no one can understand the words they have no Hook Factor. Another singer might enunciate them more clearly. It might be a 'good' Song with plenty of Hook Factor in the Lyric.
At 4:55 it is probably too long for terrestrial radio, which still pays Songwriter Royalties and Publishing Royalties through Performance Rights Organization licensing. They like short Songs, leaving more time to play commercial advertising that pays the bills.
When a human voice is singing THAT is the 'featured' component of the composition. Other instruments should not 'step on' the vocal delivery, obscuring it. Get the vocal up in the mix. Enunciate clearly so they 'get it' the first time they hear it. I think the Melody will embed in their brains easily, and more easily if they 'get' the word meanings.
There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
I categorize this song as a "groove," and a talented one. Very pleasant to listen to. The vocal melody is pleasing and the vocal delivery is pleasing, but I agree that it needs to be discernible. Just a mixing issue.
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney