Andrea Magee
Page · Musician/band
Singer songwriter

Monday’s in Austin are raising the roof 💛 🌱 🥃 especially w/ Atx Tequila involved!
Full band high energy must see show on Mondays C-Boy's Heart & Soul 6.30pm , spreading the word & love for Music Helps 🫶🏻
Andrea Magee
Andrea Magee
Monday’s in Austin are raising the roof 💛 🌱 🥃 especially w/ @[100078011754080:2048:Atx Tequila] involved! Full band high energy must see show on Mondays @[100064549336987:2048:C-Boy's Heart & Soul] 6.30pm , spreading the word & love for @[100091502667091:2048:Music Helps] 🫶🏻

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you?