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The lyric was me thinking about tectonic plates in California. Anthropomorphizing them, as it were. Trying to imagine their thoughts.
This time I use LALALS as well as Synth V.
This song is an example of how NOT to use LALALS.
I'll explain. I sounded a little like Elton John when I made the original vocal recording back decades ago. I used LALALS to enhance that. Now, unless I try to "pitch" this to Elton John, I have a potential deep fake here, but upon closer listening, you can hear that when I sing "joined" (and other high notes) it was so unlike how Elton John would sing it that the illusion breaks right there, for me and most people.
The best way to use LALALS is to create unique voices by blending your voice with anyone other than who you sound like. Not only to avoid "deep-fakery" but to come up with something unique. Something I haven't done here. This is just for a little bit of "wow" factor in how it does sound like Elton when I'm not singing the tag. That's all LALALS.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Joined At the Fault
We live in a golden state And agitate against our call An inch of trust, a pinch of salt A coupled crust joined at the fault
Some people say there'll come a quake To break us in its grand assault It's true we move in our own way Swayed by our love and joined at the fault
Joined in our humanity Our genius and insanity In our imperfect passion In our selfless compassion
We might be two tectonic plates That days or centuries will reason We'll relocate to our new fate When comes the quaking season
But for now we're coupled thus Within our treason and our trust The movement of our love is all Homed in our hearts and joined at the fault
Joined in our humanity Our genius and insanity In our imperfect passion In our selfless compassion
We live in a golden state And agitate against our call An inch of trust, a pinch of salt A coupled crust joined at the fault
(C) 1993, 2006, 2023 Michael Zaneski
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/12/2303:28 PM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
Now, unless I try to "pitch" this to Elton John... really interesting concept, Mike, he'd already have an idea how his voice might sound...I like that thought
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Hi Mike, what a beautiful song. Thank you for explaining in detail how you used LALALS. You really sound like Elton. Cool! Are those female backing vocals AI or for real? You have some awesome talents.
Hi Mike, what a beautiful song. Thank you for explaining in detail how you used LALALS. You really sound like Elton. Cool! Are those female backing vocals AI or for real? You have some awesome talents.
All the best - Robert
Hi Rob,
Essentially what LALALS does is completely change the vocal cords while retaining the performance. So much of what we consider "style" though, is in the singer's performance which means the vocal range, intonation, phrasing, vocal tics and word pronunciation. I imagine many kids go to LALALS singing garbage and expecting a miracle. For a good "deep fake" one needs to copy that singer's range, phrasing, tics and pronunciations and feed that performance into LALALS...THEN one will get something sounding just like that singer.
But for artists and producers (like us) who just want something unique, none of the above applies. Hybrid voices are more easily achieved: simply mismatch source and target and a hybrid "unique" voice will be achieved. Not always what you might expect or want, but different, for sure.
For example, the background singer was Solaria modified with LALALS Celine Dion. You can hear bits of both in that performance.
I'm glad you like the song! I think I am realizing I've buried part of my soul by abandoning some of these older songs that I just know are good ones. I am having so much fun reviving them while in this sandbox of new toys which may or may not end up being part of my ever-changing process.
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/13/2301:06 PM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
I think you beat Elton man , Really cool song You get away with Compound-complex sentences.
Haha thanks, Ben.
If I wrote the way my brain works it would be completely indecipherable. Lucky for me, I have a good enough "inner editor" to work the lines enough to get something resembling a sensical lyric.
Well, I have bedroom voice on a lot of my older recordings, and so when I should be "belting" on the chorus notes, I'm not. And so the faux Elton sounds a little lame to me on those title line notes.
LALALS kind of blew my mind yesterday when I fed it "falsetto" from a different song and got a clear loud, angry James Hetfield (Metallica) voice, LOL. I wasn't expecting a falsetto to sound like anything other than a different falsetto.
Anyway, thanks for kind words, it's great when another decent songwriter likes your work.
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/13/2305:09 PM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
Well I bought a grammar book , so I'm showing off on Compound-complex sentences. I'll have to google that word Mike . Anthropomorphizing, It'll take me a year to figure it out lol You got alot of talent man Mike if I was that smart , You might have a chance beating Biden in 2024 Now I might vote if you run Well Elton will be doing another I retired tour again I bet , like all of them
I definitely found this entertaining. Loved your vocals within this really cool music arrangement that is enveloping yet your vocals still win out. I could see this as a Bowie/E.John collab! But you beat them to it, as IMO you have your own sound here--bravo!
Well I bought a grammar book , so I'm showing off on Compound-complex sentences. I'll have to google that word Mike . Anthropomorphizing, It'll take me a year to figure it out lol You got alot of talent man Mike if I was that smart , You might have a chance beating Biden in 2024 Now I might vote if you run Well Elton will be doing another I retired tour again I bet , like all of them
I don't think I've listened to a whole album by EJ since 'Yellow Brick Road a long time ago. Taupin is touring his new book. I never knew he's been living in California--a cowboy's lifestyle on a ranch for awhile now, shaking and quaking along with the rest of us.
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/14/2301:35 PM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
I definitely found this entertaining. Loved your vocals within this really cool music arrangement that is enveloping yet your vocals still win out. I could see this as a Bowie/E.John collab! But you beat them to it, as IMO you have your own sound here--bravo!
Thanks, Eddie.
I have been moving forward without stopping to re-assess my past work for well over 25 years.
Thanks to some new toys I've given myself permission to just have fun with some older material I haven't thought about in decades.
Fun and productivity...hmmmm...I'm seeing a pattern here
I'm glad you're enjoying this and I appreciate your kind words.
Thanks again,
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/15/2305:33 AM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
The lyric was me thinking about tectonic plates in California. Anthropomorphizing them, as it were. Trying to imagine their thoughts.
This time I use LALALS as well as Synth V.
This song is an example of how NOT to use LALALS.
I'll explain. I sounded a little like Elton John when I made the original vocal recording back decades ago. I used LALALS to enhance that. Now, unless I try to "pitch" this to Elton John, I have a potential deep fake here, but upon closer listening, you can hear that when I sing "joined" (and other high notes) it was so unlike how Elton John would sing it that the illusion breaks right there, for me and most people.
The best way to use LALALS is to create unique voices by blending your voice with anyone other than who you sound like. Not only to avoid "deep-fakery" but to come up with something unique. Something I haven't done here. This is just for a little bit of "wow" factor in how it does sound like Elton when I'm not singing the tag. That's all LALALS.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Joined At the Fault
We live in a golden state And agitate against our call An inch of trust, a pinch of salt A coupled crust joined at the fault
Some people say there'll come a quake To break us in its grand assault It's true we move in our own way Swayed by our love and joined at the fault
Joined in our humanity Our genius and insanity In our imperfect passion In our selfless compassion
We might be two tectonic plates That days or centuries will reason We'll relocate to our new fate When comes the quaking season
But for now we're coupled thus Within our treason and our trust The movement of our love is all Homed in our hearts and joined at the fault
Joined in our humanity Our genius and insanity In our imperfect passion In our selfless compassion
We live in a golden state And agitate against our call An inch of trust, a pinch of salt A coupled crust joined at the fault
(C) 1993, 2006, 2023 Michael Zaneski
I was remided of Triumphs, Magic Power by this. Wrong Ink
I like the mood it creates, even the software singers background vocals sound complimentary.
Another great song, Mike. How many more treasures do you have in that dusty old chest in your creative attic?
As for the Elton thing, there were moments when you seemed to don the platform shoes and big glasses and then others when you slipped them off. I'll have to read up on LALALS.
I really don't have anything to say except how much I enjoyed it.
Another great song, Mike. How many more treasures do you have in that dusty old chest in your creative attic?
As for the Elton thing, there were moments when you seemed to don the platform shoes and big glasses and then others when you slipped them off. I'll have to read up on LALALS.
I really don't have anything to say except how much I enjoyed it.
I have quite a few songs that were recorded back in the 4-track and 8-track era (1987-2004). Of them, maybe a third are worth a revisit. So stay tuned, lol.
Thanks Gavin. Zuckerberg got one thing right: sometimes "to like" is all that wants or needs to be expressed. I just think he missed out by not also including a "thanks" button, and perhaps a "feck off" button as well, haha...
But here's a good ol' pre-digital
Last edited by Michael Zaneski; 09/18/2301:51 PM.
Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
-The Divine Comedy (Neil Hannon) from the song "Songs of Love" from the album "Casanova" (1996)
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