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Ever since I was a little boy you've been faithfully there for me, though you've changed in size much like I did we both share such history, My Mama loved me most... to you and back, she'd whisper it nightly, and since she died, you're my reminder of her love eternally.
I've kissed some truly lovely girls, after bringing them back home, as your watchful face peered through curtains of dark .... my favorite chaperon.
I've walked many Moon rivers, savored moon pies sweetest blends and hated lonely nights I've spent, that never seemed to end but you were always there for me with memories to share, my stationary friend. My stationary firend.....
Though men have walked your hardened face, I've faced hard walks lit by your grace, You always led the poet in me to write berneath your fingernail displays.
I've played in endless tides you've moved to thrilling, monstrous waves, precariously splayed across surfboards, tempting fate on Summer days.
When it comes my time to slip away through that inkwell death will bring, you'll be my nightlight... guiding me to heaven's realms, when my soul at last takes wing, and I'll blow a kiss to your cratered face, regretting all I leave behind, as you find new children peeking up at you through that great window of time...... .... yeah, you'll find new children peeking up at you... through that great window of time.
I'm really intrigued by your lyrics, it has a very nostalgic feel. Also it's a clever title! If you want to share, what was the inspiration behind this song?
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